Welcome to DGJ Landscapes formerly Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architecten BV

DGJ Landscapes DGJ Landscapes GmbH DGJ Architektrur GmbH
Prins Hendrikstraat 126 Wildbachstrasse 48 Walter Kolb Strasse 22
2518 HX Den Haag 8008 Zürich 60594 Frankfurt am Main
Tel +31 70 780 85 99 Tel +41 79 33 99 777 TEL: +49 69 23 17 78
Director & Landscape Architect Director & Landscape Architect Directors & Architect
Daniel Jauslin Daniel Jauslin Hans Drexler
Daphne Keegstra, Aaron Stumpf Daphne Keegstra, Aaron Stumpf
temporary website
temporary website
new website
www.world-architects.com/dgj www.swiss-architects.com/dgj www.dgj.eu

our website wil be relauchend in 2018, the archive more projects, company, publications, academia and old news is still online
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