Badener duerfen Brisgi bebauen

"Aargauer Zeitung"

Pirmin Kramer

first published in: Aargauer Zeitung

release date: Nov 11 2016

editor: Aargauer Zeitung

publisher: Aargauer Zeitung

text about DGJ

project: dgj232 Brisgi-Areal Baden

german, 1 page

Architektur: Wo einst BBC-Arbeiter in Baracken wohnten, entsteht eine Überbauung der Wohnbaustiftung. Ein Badener Team hat den Architekturwettbewerb gewonnen.


Ausstellungseröffnung Affordable Living Heidelberg

release date: June 08 2016

text by DGJ

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dgj@biennale Venice 2016

"Finnish Pavillon from Border to home"

release date: May 28 2016

text by DGJ

project: dgj219 Arrival City 4.0


Bewahren und Ergänzen


Boris Schade-Bünsow Chefredakteur

release date: Apr 08 2016

editor: Bauverlag BV

publisher: Bauverlag BV

text by DGJ

project: dgj219 Arrival City 4.0

german, 1 page

Arrival City 4.0 Drexler Guinand Jauslin architects from Frankfurt propose an expandable concept: The shell serves as emergency shelter, with the use of tents and containers. Over time, the residents practice to build residential and commercial units by themselves. A controversial project, but one of the few actively involving refugees.

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"Der Entwurf"

Dipl.-Ing. Sarah Centgraf

release date: Apr 05 2016

editor: Bauverlag BV GmbH

publisher: Bauverlag BV GmbH

text about DGJ

german, 2 pages

How to integrate sustainability in the design and planning processes? At the MSA | Münster School of Architecture students developed a wooden structure, reaching high insulation values. 2shelter is called the one-room of Luisa Matz and Jessica Riesmeyer, which emerged and was built during the Sustainable Building Design Studios by Prof. Hans Drexler.


Living for everyone!

"werk bund"

Deutscher Werkbund Bayern, e.V.

release date: Mar 10 2016

editor: Deutscher Werkbund Bayern, e.V.

text about DGJ

project: dgj219 Arrival City 4.0

german, 4 pages

Living for everyone!


The refugee crisis is omnipresent. The refugees whose asylum application is granted, lined up within the large number of people who are already looking for affordable accommodation. We therefore we need a large number of low-cost apartments, which relieve the housing market.


Aktivplus-Gebäude Internatsschule in Geisenheim

DGJ Architekten

release date: Dec 01 2015

editor: Karl-Heinz Weinbrenner, Claudia Weinbrenner-Seibert

publisher: Verlagsanstalt Alexander Koch GmbH

text about DGJ

project: dgj167 Plus energie house boarding school Schloss Hansenberg

6 pages


Zeeheldentuin wins European prize

"Gemeente Den Haag"

Gemeente Den Haag

release date: Nov 23 2015

editor: Gemeente Den Haag

publisher: Gemeente Den Haag

text about DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

english, 1 page

The Zeeheldentuin in The Hague has been given the European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference (EUGIC) 2015 Award. The garden’s design was praised by the jury for creating a green spot in an otherwise urbanised area using biodiversity, recycled and reused materials and flooding prevention.


Award Winner 1st Place, Zeeheldentuin

"1st European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference 2015 Vienna Nov. 23|24"

DGJ Architects & Landscapes

release date: Nov 23 2015

editor: Green4Cities GmbH


text by DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

english, 4 pages

The Zeeheldentuin is an oasis of green in the middle of a grey urban area. In this community garden you can find vegetable gardens, a fruit orchard, an ornamental flower garden with seating areas, and a nature playground for the children.


Zeeheldentuin wint eerste prijs tijdens Europese conferentie voor groene infrastructuur

"Zeehelden Nieuws"

Zeehelden Nieuws

release date: Nov 22 2015

editor: Zeehelden Nieuws

publisher: Zeehelden Nieuws

text about DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

dutch, 1 page

De Zeeheldentuin in Den Haag heeft de EUGIC 2015 Award gewonnen in de categorie uitgevoerde projecten in Europese steden. De prijs wordt uitgereikt tijdens de eerste editie van de European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference (EUGIC) in Wenen. Het ontwerp van de Zeeheldentuin, gemaakt door DGJ Architects & Landscapes, wordt door de jury geprezen om het samen met buurtbewoners creëren van een groene plek in versteend gebied, waarin biodiversiteit, het recyclen en hergebruiken van materialen uit de stad, en het voorkomen van wateroverlast een rol spelen.


Zeeheldentuin wint Europese prijs

"Den Haag FM"

Gerard van den IJssel

release date: Nov 22 2015

editor: Den Haag FM

publisher: Den Haag FM

text about DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

dutch, 1 page

De Zeeheldentuin in Den Haag heeft een EUGIC 2015 Award gewonnen. Het ontwerp van de Zeeheldentuin wordt door de jury geprezen vanwege de biodiversiteit, het recyclen en hergebruiken van materialen en het voorkomen van wateroverlast.


Zeeheldentuin Den Haag wint Europese prijs voor groen in de stad

"Omroep West"

Omroep West

release date: Nov 21 2015

editor: Omroep West

publisher: Omroep West

text about DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

dutch, 1 page

De Zeeheldentuin in Den Haag heeft deze week de EUGIC 2015 award gewonnen. Dit is een Europese prijs voor groene projecten in steden.


Haagse Zeeheldentuin wint Europese prijs

"Tuin en Landschap"

Tuin en Landschap

release date: Nov 19 2015

editor: Tuin en Landschap

publisher: Tuin en Landschap

text about DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

dutch, 1 page

De Zeeheldentuin in Den Haag heeft de EUGIC 2015 Award gewonnen in de categorie uitgevoerde projecten in Europese steden. De buurttuin is ontworpen door DGJ Architects & Landscapes.


Zeeheldentuin wint eerste prijs tijdens Europese conferentie voor groene infrastructuur

"Stad + Groen"

Peter Jansen

release date: Nov 19 2015

editor: Stad + Groen

publisher: Stad + Groen

text about DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

dutch, 1 page

De Zeeheldentuin in Den Haag heeft de EUGIC 2015 Award gewonnen in de categorie uitgevoerde projecten in Europese steden.De prijs wordt uitgereikt tijdens de eerste editie van de European Urban Green Infrastructure Conference (EUGIC) in Wenen. Het ontwerp van de Zeeheldentuin, gemaakt door DGJ Architects & Landscapes, wordt door de jury geprezen om het samen met buurtbewoners creëren van een groene plek in versteend gebied, waarin biodiversiteit, het recyclen en hergebruiken van materialen uit de stad, en het voorkomen van wateroverlast een rol spelen. De tweede en derde prijs zijn gegaan naar respectievelijk een groene woonkamer in Ludwigsburg, Duitsland en een duurzaam kantoor in Sofia, Bulgarije.


EUGIC Award for Daniel Jauslin's practice DGJ

"Wageningen UR"

Wageningen UR

release date: Nov 12 2015

editor: Wageningen UR

publisher: Wageningen UR

text about DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

english, 1 page

The Zeeheldentuin is an oasis of green in the middle of a grey urban area. In this community garden you can find vegetable gardens, a fruit orchard, an ornamental flower garden with seating areas, and a nature playground for the children.


Haagse Westbroekpark om op te eten!

"Zeehelden Nieuws"

Zeehelden Nieuws

release date: Okt 15 2015

editor: Zeehelden Nieuws

publisher: Zeehelden Nieuws

text about DGJ

project: dgj218 Eden-Westbroekpark

dutch, 1 page

In Den Haag zijn alle parken groen, maar één park wordt groener dan alle andere. In het Westbroekpark, thuisbasis van de Parade en Foodtruckfestival Trek, wordt namelijk een verwaarloosde midgetgolfbaan getransformeerd tot een 3.400 m2 grote ecoproof stadstuin. En daar kun je straks letterlijk je tanden inzetten…


Café Blossom in the Park; Kans op kassucces

"Horeca Helden"

Paula Plantinga

release date: Okt 13 2015

editor: Sligro

publisher: Entree

text about DGJ

project: dgj218 Eden-Westbroekpark

dutch, 2 pages

Vlakbij het Vredespaleis runnen Roelof Toering en zijn vrouw Ditte Koelewijn de succesvolle dagzaak Café Blossom. Na vijf jaar stroomt het ondernemersbloed nog volop door de aderen. De twee zijn in de race voor de invulling van het midgetgolfterrein in het Haagse Westbroekpark. Het idee: horeca in een kas.


Koks gebruiken eigen groenten, fruit en kruiden

"City Light Den Haag Centraal"

Annerieke Simeone

release date: Okt 09 2015

editor: Den Haag Centraal

publisher: Den Haag Centraal

text about DGJ

project: dgj218 Eden-Westbroekpark

dutch, 1 page

Café Blossom, Groene Helden en DGJ Architects & Landscapes wonnen de door de gemeente uitgeschreven tender voor het overwoekerde midgetgolfterrein in het Westbroekpark. Hun plan: een eetbare tuin plus een restaurant in een kas. “Onze producten vind je terug op de menukaart”.


Who´s setting the standard? Building certification in Germany

"DETAIL green"

Johanna Christiansen

release date: Okt 01 2015

editor: DETAIL green, Zeitschrift für nachhaltige Architektur und energetische Sanierung

publisher: Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation G,bH & Co. KG

text about DGJ

project: dgj167 Plus energie house boarding school Schloss Hansenberg

8 pages

The demand for green building certificates is rising continuously and the market is constantly seeing the introduction of new systems and standards. The following article explains the most important changesthat have been made to a range of different certification systems.

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Restaurant op oude golfbaan


release date: Sep 29 2015

editor: Telegraaf

publisher: Telegraaf

text about DGJ

project: dgj218 Eden-Westbroekpark

dutch, 1 page

Op de plek van de gesloten midgetgolfbaan in het Haagse Westbroekpark moet een klein restaurant komen met op de kaart alleen maar producten uit de eigen eetbare tuin.
Dit plan hebben de Groene Helden en Cafe Blossom uit het Zeeheldenkwartier ingediend. Deze groep van archi teeten en ondernemers heeft gisteren de plannen onder de werknaam 'Blossom in the Park' gepresenteerd.


Vruchtbare grond voor eetbare tuin

"Zeehelden Nieuws"

Zeehelden Nieuws

release date: Sep 29 2015

editor: Zeehelden Nieuws

publisher: Zeehelden Nieuws

text about DGJ

project: dgj218 Eden-Westbroekpark

dutch, 1 page

Climax nadert rond tender voor midgetgolfterrein. Een goed oogstseizoen voor de Groene Helden en Cafe Blossom uit het Zeeheldenkwartier. Deze groep van architecten en ondernemers doen mee met de tender die is uitgeschreven door de Gemeente Den Haag voor de invulling van het midgetgolfterrein in het Haagse Westbroekpark.


MakeCity Berlin 11-26 Jun 2015

"Affordable Living"

eine Ausstellung des AIT-ArchitekturSalon im HO | BERLIN

release date: June 11 2015

editor: Klaus Doemer, Prof. (Verw.) Hans Drexler und Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg

text by DGJ

4 pages

During the Architecture Festival "Make City" the AIT-ArchitekturSalon is represented with different formats on new and innovative housing concepts . Pop -Up is presented in the AIT-ArchitekturSalon exhibition "Affordable Living / Affordable Housing ", in-depth discussions are with the Symposium "living differently " and the Studio - Talk "Living inclusive".

Exhibition // Exhibition
"Affordable Living / Affordable Housing"

11 to 28 June 2015
an exhibition of the AIT Architecture Salon in HO | BERLIN

Curators / curators team: Klaus Dömer, Prof. (EXP.) Hans Drexler and Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg

Duration of the exhibition 12 - 18 June 2015
June 11, 2015 | 19 clock | Opening of the exhibition "Affordable Living" with lectures
June 17, 2015 | 19 clock | Studio-Talk "Living inclusive"
June 18, 2015 | 13 clock | Curator kidnapping with Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg
June 25, 2015 | 17-22 clock | Symposium "living differently"

Housing is a basic need that is still not covered or inadequately for many people in all regions of the world. Architecture and urban planning can make a decisive contribution to finding new solutions to ensure the supply of housing for all. The challenge for affordable housing is, above all, to put the costs and the resulting housing quality in an optimum ratio. The way forward depends on many parameters and local cultural influences. Against this background, not only theoretical approaches are presented in the book, but the example of outstanding residential building also demonstrated strategies to create affordable housing. It is through the analysis of the projects in the economic, social and urban context, these strategies are comparable. Central to this is the question, how can different approaches to the creation of affordable residential transferred to regional specifics.

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Flowscapes. Designing infrastructure as landscape

"Research in Urbanism Series"

Marc Angélil, Cary Siress, Sybrand Tjallingii , Matthew Skjonsberg, Wilfried van Winden, Joris Smits, Michel Heesen, Ulf Hackauf , Rene van der Velde, Saskia de Wit, Anne Loes Nillesen ,Peter van Veelen, Mark Voorendt, Chris van der Zwet , Ties Rijcken

release date: Apr 29 2015

editor: Steffen Nijhuis, Daniel Jauslin, Frank van der Hoeven

publisher: TU Delft

text by DGJ

english, 324 pages

Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure. The hybridization of the two concepts seeks to redefine infrastructure beyond its strictly utilitarian definition, while allowing spatial design to gain operative force in territorial transformation processes. The publication provides perspectives on the subject from design-related disciplines such as architecture, urban design, urban planning, landscape architecture and civil engineering. The book builds upon the multidisciplinary colloquium on landscape infrastructures, that is part of the Flowscapes graduation design studio of Landscape Architecture at the TU Delft.

The authors explore concepts, methods and techniques for design-related research on landscape infrastructures. Their main objective is to engage environmental and societal issues by means of integrative and design oriented approaches. Through focusing on interdisciplinary design-related research of landscape infrastructures they provide important clues for the development of spatial armatures that can guide urban and rural development and have cultural and civic significance. The geographical context of the papers covers Europe, Africa, Asia and Northern America. All contributions in the book are double blind reviewed by experts in the field. pdf online paperback mailorder

Aktivplus Building: Internschool Schloss Hansenberg

"Bauzentrum E-BAU"

Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler

release date: 04/2015

editor: Susan Fischer, Günter Freese, Friedrich Marx, Thomas Möller, Günther Müller

publisher: Meinders & Elstermann GmbH

text by DGJ

4 pages

The energy-plus house for boarding school Schloss Hansenberg in Geisenheim in the Rheingau has ambitious goals: It will be the first state-owned Efficiency House Plus. The building is so lighthouse project for efficient and sustainable building. The aim of the project is a comprehensive optimization of building in terms of sustainability. The residential and functional buildings on the grounds of the boarding school Schloss Hansenberg includes four residential units for students of the boarding school, a working space for teachers, a space of silence for students as well as ancillary and function rooms.

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How BIG do you landscape?

Luis Montenegro & Kate Unsworth

release date: Mar 02 2015

editor: Daniel Jauslin

publisher: ATLANTIS

text by DGJ

2 pages

One of landscapes architecture's particularities is that it has a varying relationship to scales compared to its fellow disciplines such as urbanism and architecture. To get a grasp on it, we asked teachers from the Chair of Landscape Architecture at TU Delft how they conceive of this relation and where they position themselves.

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Timescape - Festival of Follies

"Blauwe Kamer, magazine for Landscapearchitecture and Urbanism "

Jan Maurits van Linge

release date: Okt 31 2014

editor: Bert Bukman

publisher: Blauwdruk

text by DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

dutch, 1 page

Our existence is based on time.

Building Better - Sustainable Architecture for Family Homes

Sofia Borges, Sven Ehmann, 
Robert Klanten, Hans Drexler

release date: 08/2014

publisher: gestalten

text by DGJ

In the book, architects and homeowners work together to find unique and aesthetically compelling ways to build more sustainably. Melding client desires with real world pragmatism, these efficient homes present a diverse spectrum of solutions that include everything from state of the art climate control systems to ancient, passive, and renewable building techniques.

Sufficiency and standards.

"Expert contribution in: Hans Sauer Price 2014 RE:GENERATIONEN.RE:GENERATIV."

Hans Drexler

release date: July 01 2014

editor: Dr. Ralph Boch, Nicola Bötsch, Johanna Süß

text by DGJ

The sustainability debate in recent years has focused on the issue of efficiency. However, efficiency alone is not a solution to close the gap between increasing demand, shrinking resources and increasing environmental degradation. The achieved savings through efficiency gains for the construction and operation of a square meter of living space than offset by the increasing demand of living space per person. A departure from the doctrine growth and a culture of renunciation is incompatible with the current economic and social development. Therefore, growth should be decoupled from resource consumption and quality should be replaced by quantitative growth.

pub2014.001_Hans Sauer Preis Essay



first published in: Elandkrant

release date: Jan 22 2014

editor: Elandkrant. Wijkkrant voor het Zeeheldenkwartier

text about DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

dutch, 6 pages

On Wednesday 22th of January 2014 was organized a presentation about final design of the "Zeehelden" Garden. It took place in Residence Haganum and lured a flock of people interested in this design to the Hague

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Affordable Living - Housing for everyone

Klaus Dömer, Hans Drexler, Joachim Schultz-Granberg

release date: 2014

publisher: Jovis

text by DGJ

Housing is a basic need that is still not or not enough accessible for many of the people in all regions of the world. Architecture and urban planning can make a significant contribution in finding new solutions that can ensure proposed “Housing for all” offer. Above all, the challenge for affordable housing is to put living costs and the resultant living quality in an optimum ratio value. This challenge is dependent on many local parameters and cultural influences.

In this context, not only theoretical approaches are going to be presented in the book, but also on example of outstanding residential buildings, some strategies to create affordable housing. By means of project’s analysis in the economic, social and urban context, these strategies can be comparable.
However still the main subject focus on question how can be these different approaches to create affordable Housing transferred into regional specifics.

Future of the Past - The renovation of buildings built between 1945-1979

""Wohnhaus dgj155 in Bonn""

release date: 2014

editor: Wüstenrot Stiftung

publisher: Kraemer

text by DGJ

6 pages

The apartment building was remodeled in Bonn with an energetic and functional design. Aware, however, the value of integrating the building structure design elements such as the old wooden ladder. The project involves the renovation and expansion of the main house, the redesign of the courtyard and the outer layers and the conversion of the existing garage in the studio of an artist.


Dreamhouses in Hessian

Juliane Hipp

release date: Nov 13 2013

editor: hr fernsehen

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House


The film writer Juliane Hipp is traveling between Rheingau
Reinhardswald, introduces people and their "dream homes", including
also original examples in Frankfurt, where the enormous housing and
construction areas deficiency leads to sophisticated solutions, such as the
Minihouse by the architect Hans Drexler built on 29 square meters

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Green City - ecological building and renovating: green building in the city

"House with Future"

Nina Greve

release date: 10/2013

editor: Compact Publishing GmbH

publisher: Compact Publishing GmbH

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 pages

When you think of green building, for sure you will not connect to a life in the city. A number of projects, however, shows how to combine city life and ecology to innovative concepts. We introduce them to you.

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Passive house refurbushment in Bonn

"Houses of the year"

Hubertus Adam, Wolfgang Bachmann

release date: Sep 09 2013

publisher: Callwey

text by DGJ

project: dgj155 Refurbishment Bonn

german, 271 pages

The architects consider the problem basically. For them, the restoration in the building stock is no   physical or technical problem, but a contribution to sustainable development of society. This house of the 1948 shows how an existing structur can be used and how an apartment building with commercial premises becomes an attractive energy terms Townhouse. The wooden staircase, for example, was protected and combined with new elements.

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Library Heidenheim

"Library Heidenheim"

release date: 09/2013

editor: Wettbewerb Aktuell

publisher: Wettbewerb Aktuell

text by DGJ

project: dgj193 Library Heidenheim an der Brenz

german, 2 pages

The urban Library Heidenheim creates with the inclusion of the district media center, a forward-looking redesign of the concept library. The project embodies the spirit of the information technology in which various information media is no longer just a place where knowledge is stored, but serves the citizens of all ages primarily as a place of encounter and exchange. Due to the compact and efficient form, and the positioning of the building on the north end of the property, the design fits into the streets of densely populated Brenzstraße. The resulting, attractive, south facing part of the site allows you to have a new park created, forming a green axis that extends from Station Square on the Georges-Levillain-Anlage to Pauluskirche. The library is based around a dramatic and spacious staircase,wich is located in the heart of the building. She can be used as seating, structural element and as a communicative link between the heterogeneous usage patterns of the library. A woven perforated aluminum façade creates adequate and diffuse illumination of the interior. By the curved, ribbon-like form a sculptural character is conveyed and there are small terraces that spread across the library floors. The inspiration was the history of the textile industry Heidenheim.

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NAU + Drexler Guinand Jauslin Transform Swiss Bank

Archinect NEWS

release date: 08/2013

publisher: Archinect NEWS,

text by DGJ


Interior of INSIDE-OUT, the design concept for the new Schaffhausen Raiffeisen Bank branch by NAU Architecture and Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten

The new Raiffeisen Bank branch designed by NAU Architecture and Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten was completed this past May in the historical city center of Schaffhausen, Switzerland, after the design won first place in a competition back in May 2012. The design as a whole appeals to the senses, going beyond the basic functions of a bank to creating an open, welcoming place for customers through light, color, and efficient use of space.

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Door het glazen plafond

"Eigen Huis & Interieur"

Redactie EH&I

release date: July 08 2013

editor: EH&I

publisher: sanoma media

text by DGJ

project: dgj123 Parques Pop-Up B&B Rotterdam Kralingen

dutch, german, english, 1 page

A view into the stars is what Daniel Jauslin wanted: onto clouds and the sun. The architect with Swiss roots built a spectacular glass-skylounge into his Rotterdam urban family house. "I want to see the legendary 'Dutch skies'"

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Door het glanzen plafond

"Eigen Huis & Interieur"

Erik Paul Jager

release date: 07/2013

editor: EH&I

publisher: Sanoma media

text about DGJ

project: dgj123 Parques Pop-Up B&B Rotterdam Kralingen

dutch, 14 pages

A view into the stars is what Daniel Jauslin wanted: onto clouds and the sun. The architect with Swiss roots built a spectacular glass-skylounge into his Rotterdam urban family house. "I want to see the legendary 'Dutch skies'"

dgj2013_EH&I_Door het glanzen plafond.pdf

Renewal of the Raiffeisen banking hall Schaffhausen 2013_Inside-Out


Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten

release date: June 27 2013

editor: PSA Publishers Ltd. 
 Ausstellungsstrasse 25 
CH - 8005 Zürich

text by DGJ

german, 5 pages

The Working NAU Architecture & Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects has recently completed the renovation of Raiffeisen Bank Schaffhausen. Select the two architects drawings and seven photographs and describe the building.

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Remodeling and renovation - Apartment house: Beautiful open

"Schöner Wohnen"

Thomas Eichhorn

release date: 04/2013

editor: Stephan Schäfer

publisher: Gruner+Jahr AG&CO KG

text about DGJ

project: dgj155 Refurbishment Bonn

german, 8 pages

By uncovering the ancient staircase became a close post-war building to the airy loft. In the SCHÖNER WOHNEN-Modernization Competition 2012's it was
the special prize, awarded by the BHW.


Flowscapes Designstudio for landscape infrastructures


Daniel Jauslin

release date: Mar 23 2013

editor: Polis/Platform for Urbanism

text by DGJ

english, 3 pages

Flowscapes is the graduation lab of the Master track Landscape Architecture. It is also open to students of other design disciplines and suitable for students with special interest for landscape architecture. Ecologically motivated architects or urbanists can give shape to their interests
within the academic framework, while working in relatively small groups. The core of the graduation lab is a referred design studio, supported by complementary courses (Nijhuis et al., 2012). The design studio is concerned with the spatial design of new topographies by integrating programs into the ‘genius of place’ and – with regard to landscape development – the continuation of spatial quality and cultural identity. These designerly explorations require a multilayered understanding of landscape: its spatial structure, history, context, as well as
the ecological, economic and social processes involved. In this approach visual thinking
and communication are considered to be crucial. Drawings, mappings and models are used to reveal and create relationships, explore and elaborate landscape systems – in
terms of geometry, quantity, velocity, force, trajectory – and for critical reflection. In
this article we introduce the design studio and provide some background regarding the theme.

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Successful symbiosis

"Renovation & Energy Saving"

Inga Ervig

release date: 02/2013

publisher: Family Home Verlag GmbH

text about DGJ

project: dgj155 Refurbishment Bonn

german, 4 pages

Living and working in the same place and, moreover, in a sustainable living environment - these were motives which influenced the redesign of an old apartment building in Bonn. Result is a modern house with studio, which in energy terms is like a passive house.


House special: redensification: gap filler

"The detached house"

release date: 02/2013

editor: Wolfgang Prager

publisher: City-Post-Zeitschriftenverlag GmbH

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House


On mini-space The "Minimum Impact House" is the result of a research and development project for sustainable housing in the city, and shows how creative urban gaps between buildings can be redensified.


Tour Sachsenhausen-River Main-West Harbour

"The energy-efficient Frankfurt"

Bettina Gehbauer-Schmacher

release date: 2013

editor: Weststadt

publisher: Weststadt Verlag

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 pages

Travel-Guide for the city Frankfurt am Main

In Sachenhausen

Minimum Impect House : Sustainable, vertical space development of small-scale available urban space

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Home Decor in Shenzen

"fhocus - The Magazine of the University of applied Sciences Münster"

release date: 2013

editor: Die Präsidentin der Fachhochschule Münster

text by DGJ

german, 60 pages

»Affordable Housing Prototype in Shenzhen« – this was the topic of the international student competition. So 16 architecture students, Professors and tutors went to China for 14 days. A first group of students went already to China in 2012 to analyze the topic  »A Sustainable Urban Prototype for China«.

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Minihaus in Hong Kong TV

release date: 2013

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

The Minimum Impact House is famous all over the world. Even in the japanese TV everybodys talking about it!

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Redensification of the special kind

"Talis - Architects and Civil Engineers"

Ines Becker

release date: 2013

editor: Jens Leweke, Jochen Müller, Ute Schroeter

publisher: jam Verlag

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 162 pages

In the metropolitan areas are not enough apartments . While Germany's population continues to shrink, urbanization continues to increase. By the organic growth of these centers over the centuries everywhere small vacant lots are actually available. The only question is: Can there be also provided living space.

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Baukultur ist... nachhaltig


Hans Drexler

release date: Dec 03 2012

editor: Bundesstiftung Baukultur Postfach 60 03 11 D-14403 Potsdam

text by DGJ

german, 3 pages

In the current debate on architecture and building culture of sustainability are compared as irreconcilable opposites. Discussed the contrast is a limited understanding of the underlying concepts that are not yet the built environment as sustainable construction requirements.


Graue Eminenz der Vorstadt

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ"

Birgit Ochs

release date: Dec 02 2012

editor: Werner D'Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text about DGJ

project: dgj155 Refurbishment Bonn

german, 1 page

Shored completely - that was yesterday. After the renovation, the house of Sibylle Feucht and Jürgen Starosta in Bonn shows itself from a new perspective.


Building the future

"fhocus - Das Magazin der Fachhochschule Münster"

release date: 12/2012

editor: Prof.Dr.Ute von Lojewski (Präsidentin FH Münster)

text about DGJ

german, 4 pages

He lives and works in a mini house. And he has also designed it.
Hans Drexler is a substitute professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Applied Sciences Munster, the muenster school of architecture. His focus: sustainable building and inclusive design. He has implemented the mini house in Frankfurt - a house that also there has still comfortable living space, other concepts capitulate of space limitations. Drexler wants his students perform the relationships and dependencies of sustainable design in mind - in teaching, in symposia and in a lecture.


Gestaltungspreis der Wüstenrot Stiftung - Anerkennung Wohnhaus dgj155 Bonn

"Zukunft der Vergangenheit - Die Erneuerung von Gebäuden der Baujahre 1945 bis 1979"

release date: 10/2012

editor: Wüstenrot Stiftung

publisher: Karl Krämer Verlag

text by DGJ

project: dgj155 Refurbishment Bonn

german, 5 pages

The apartment building in Bonn was remodeled consistently in energetic, functional and design points of view. Knowingly worth protecting parts of the construction were integrated into the design like keeping the old wooden staircase. The project scope included renovation and expansion of the main house, the redesign of the yard and the outdoor installation and the conversion of existing garage into an artist's studio.


Building the Future: Maßstäbe des nachhaltigen Bauens [Taschenbuch]

release date: Sep 17 2012

editor: Hans Drexler, Adeline Seidel

publisher: Jovis, Berlin

text by DGJ


Sustainable Construction has become one of the central issues in architecture. Climate change, resource scarcity and economic crises increasingly forcing architects and planners to question traditional methods and solutions critical. Already in recent years research institutions and universities, but also architecture- and engineeringoffices started to search for new approaches to the implementation of sustainable architecture and urban development. In summer 2011 the Münster School of Architecture hosted several symposia to work with international experts to discuss on these controversial topics. The publication "Building the Future" summarizes the different levels and positions of current concepts: the aim is to represent relationships and attitudes sustainable building in a holistic manner. This well-known authors with their contributions represent the current state of research on this subject and present innovative approaches and solutions to the architecture of the future.

Minimum-impact house, Frankfurt winner in the category: Residential Building

"Architectural Award Winners: Green Building Frankfurt Rhein Main"

Stadt Frankfurt am Main Energiereferat

release date: Sep 12 2012

editor: Stadt Frankfurt am Main Energiereferat

publisher: Eigenverlag Stadt Frankfurt am Main

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 pages

With the Minimum Impact House (MIH) new strategies for the development of urban residual areas were developed. The choice of locations Has a positive effect on the environmental performance of the building. In terms of sustainability offers a densification within the city territory require a lot of advantages: The urban sprawl is prevented. This creates congestion and strengthens the social fabric in the cities. Moreover, the reduction of land consumption is an active contribution to the protection of resources.

In modern residential consumption is minimized during operation largely. Therefore, with a lifetime of 50 years, the construction of the building for a large proportion of C02 emissions. MIH when the design was the use of renewable raw materials - optimized - especially wood. By a supporting structure made of timber panel construction and a fire protection system, the MIH was one of the first modern five-storey wooden building erected werden.Um to reduce energy consumption during use, the building was built as a passive house. As an important part of a ventilation system was installed as a compact unit (heat pump) with a degree of recovery heat recovery of 85%. The balance of energy is needed by a solar thermal system and a heat pump covered with 100% certified green.

Architectural Award Winners: Green Building Frankfurt Rhein Main

Successful ensemble for living, working and exhibiting

"KFW Award 2012 Modernize with vision and energy efficient generation needs to rebuild"

Dr. Mussler, Mussler Communication GmbH,

release date: Sep 02 2012

editor: KfW Bankengruppe Palmengartenstraße 5-9 60325 Frankfurt

publisher: KfW Bankengruppe

text by DGJ

project: dgj155 Refurbishment Bonn

german, 2 pages

Built in 1910 in Bonn, it was purchased in 2010 by Mr. and Mrs. Sibylle Feucht and Jürgen Starosta and reconstructed from scratch. Their goal was to create an environment for their own ideas, which combines in a suitable manner with residential and work here also integrates an exhibition space. At the same time it was necessary to equip the city with regard to house the most modern energy standards.

Particular emphasis was placed on the design of the façade and the integration into the surrounding public space. To the side of the road (north side) was designed for energy reasons, but also for privacy less generous and the south side (facing towards Venusberg), however, large-scale implementation.

Another focus of the renovation was to provide modern energy requirements sustainably justice to. For this, a number of measures were implemented, the overall lead to excellent energy values​​. These range from the use of geothermal energy in conjunction with a heat pump, a controlled ventilation system, the installation of a wall heater and installing triple glazed wooden windows through to the insulation of all exterior walls to passive house standard. A rainwater cistern provides a resource-saving toilet flushing, garden watering and washing machine use.


Holistic Housing

"Concepts, Design Strategies and Processes"

Hans Drexler, Sebastian el Khouli

release date: 07/2012

editor: Hans Drexler, Sebastian el Khouli

publisher: Edition Detail

text by DGJ

german, english, 288 pages

Comprehensive overview of sustainability in the residential architecture.
To integrate sustainability in all its variety in the design and planning processes is the most important issue in the current architectural debate.
The book presents the various aspects and sustainability objectives and the internationally accepted standardization and evaluation parameters of the structured form, it works out for practice-relevant relationships and processes. In the example of 20 outstanding international residential buildings of all sizes and types of use are presented and evaluated in their performance. In these case studies will demonstrate how criteria can be implemented in the design of sustainable building and how they experienced with the qualities of the building.
Sustainability of this panorama gives architects and engineers, inspiration and guidance for the implementation of sustainability goals into their daily work, but just as interesting for Bauherrenund investors who are involved as decision makers and operators in construction processes.


Design Methods for Young Sustainable Architecture Practice

"SASBE 2012 4th CIB Conference on Smart and Sustainable Built Environments"

Daniel Jauslin, Federico Curiel, Hans Drexler

release date: June 29 2012

editor: Vanessa Gomes, Maristela G. Da Silva

publisher: UNICAMP - Funcamp

text by DGJ

project: dgj164 Urban House Types Jenfelder Au

7 pages

This paper introduces landscape aesthetics as an innovative design method for sustainable architecture. It is based on the framework of a recent paper where the young and unfamous authors criticized three of the most prominent architects today in regard to sustainable architecture and its aesthetics. Leading architects expressed their skepticism as to whether there is such a thing as aesthetics in sustainable architecture, or for that matter, if architecture can indeed be sustainable at all. Against such a setting, DGJ will illustrate what we believe to be the landscape perspective's inherent relationship to the natural environment, the principles behind it as well as the potentia Is that these landscape perspective holds for sustainable design. After first discussing the kind of professional and political impetuses that have made sustainability one of the most compelling changes to face the profession of architecture, we argue that the mandate for a sustainable environment did not come about by choice of the architects and planners, but rather, that sustainability is imposed on the profession by the necessary, external forces that influence it. To bridge the existing gaps between current practice and sustainability, we will trace some thoughts and principles of landscapes and territories. Our approach views the landscape as a human interface with nature, as a basis for the design of sustainable architecture and a new context for sustainable aesthetics. It will be illustrated with practical work samples from a small but globally operating practice DGJ Architects & Landscapes. They will demonstrate how sustainable design happens in practice, throughout its evolutionary process, with some of our recent projects


Re-Generation Delta

"Delta Alliance Young Professional Award"

release date: 06/2012

editor: Ina Krueger, Laura Miguel Ayala, Wim van Driel

publisher: Delta Alliance International

text by DGJ

202 pages

What is Delta Alliance?

Delta Alliance is an international knowledge-driven network organization with the mission of improving the resilience of the world’s deltas. With increasing pressure from population growth, industrialization and a changing climate, it is more important than ever that these valuable and vulnerable locations increase their resilience to changing conditions. Delta Alliance brings people together who live and work in deltas. They can benefit from each other’s experience and expertise and as such contribute to an increased resilience of their delta region.

Delta Alliance Young Professionals Award

In scope of the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in June 2012, Delta Alliance organized a Young Professionals Award, inviting young delta professionals around the world to present their solutions to the challenges which river deltas are facing.
The Dutch ministry of Infrastructure and Environment hosted and supported this award, which was coordinated by Delta Alliance in cooperation with Both Ends, Alterra, University of Twente, Grontmij, Arcadis, Deltares and WWF.
An impressive number of 53 teams of young professionals from 29 countries answered the call and handed in their propositions of how to solve acute delta challenges such as land subsidence, saltwater intrusion or coastal erosion, and many more.
On the 21st of June 2012, the winners of the Delta Alliance Young Professionals Award were presented at the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. The award-winning proposals were:


Delta Alliance Young Professionals Award Booklet with the ten best contributions, including those of the three winning teams (pdf, 22Mb).


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Cadavre Exquis (pre-release 0.02)

"Dutch Architecture with Landscape Methods Vol. 3"

Matthew Skjonsberg, Daniel Jauslin e.a.

first published in: 2012

release date: Apr 20 2012

publisher: DGJDasGehtJa

text by DGJ

261 pages

Contemporary architecture is increasingly influenced by the concept
of landscape, and this is particularly the case in the Netherlands.
Like at many other places, a new mindset is emerging, transforming
the core values of the disciplines of architecture and urbanism with
the notion of the organization of architectural space as a landscape.
Through experiment our lab develops methods to analyze such
phenomena in focused studies of specific cases, understanding
how architects use landscape not only as a metaphor but also as a
method to design buildings.

32 students selected and analyzed outstanding built work of a
wide field of architects from four generations of Dutch practitioners
starting with Huig Maaskant (founder of the RAvB), Wim Quist, OMA,
SANAA, Mecanoo, MVRDV, NOX, De Zwarte Hond, NL-Architects,
Onyx, FACT and MonderschijnMoonen. Students drew and built models
of their analyses, where four layers are detachable as a separate
entity, and then played a game the surrealist called Cadavre Exquis.

The result is a dismantled floating olympic village for Rotterdam,
which is exhibited at it’s site in the historic docklands RDM on the
Heijplaat. This Book is the catalogue to the exhibition.

download PDF 20 MB from TU Delft repository



Please keep in mind that the suggested donation price is 4 EUR. You can donate at the opening in cash. We will set up donation online after the opening of the exhibition. If you donate for the digital pre-release you will get the digital full-release for free probably this summer.

Landscape Aesthetics for Sustainable Architecture

"Atlantis 22 4"

Daniel Jauslin

release date: Feb 28 2012

editor: Polis | Platform for Urbanism

text by DGJ

english, 4 pages

No, No and No. Three times No is the answer to the question: is there currently such a thing as aesthetics in sustainable architecture? This answer is drawn from the discussions of three architects who are acclaimed practitioners and thinkers in the field. If we assume that aesthetics is something that all architects pursue in one form or another, it would appear that, currently, sustainability is not an integral part of it.

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Hole Lot of Sence: smart uses for perforated facades and partitions


Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten

release date: Jan 13 2012

editor: Architonic AG, Müllerstrasse 71, CH 8004, Zurich Switzerland

text by DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

english, 14 pages

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Quartiertreff Zollikerberg


Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten

release date: Jan 11 2012

editor: Architonic AG, Müllerstrasse 71, CH 8004, Zurich Switzerland

text by DGJ

project: dgj080 Library Zollikon

20 pages

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Raiffeisen - Open Lounge


Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten

release date: Jan 11 2012

editor: Architonic AG, Müllerstrasse 71, CH 8004, Zurich Switzerland

text by DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

16 pages

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Raiffeisen - Open Lounge by DGJ+NAU (CH)


Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten

release date: Jan 11 2012

editor: is a project of Architonic, AG Müllerstrasse 71, CH 8004 Zurich

text by DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

16 pages

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How Do You Landscape? Blog TU Delft


Michiel Pouderoijen, Dirk Sijmons, Daniel Jauslin, Steffen Nijhuis, Saskia de Wit, Inge Bobbink, Jan Joris Wiers, Bert van den Heuvel, Denise Piccinini, René van der Velde, Gerdy Verschuure, Eric Luiten

release date: Jan 01 2012

editor: Michiel Pouderoijen, Dirk Sijmons

publisher: TU Delft

text by DGJ


Michiel Pouderoijen, Dirk Sijmons, Daniel Jauslin, Steffen Nijhuis, Saskia de Wit, Inge Bobbink, Jan Joris Wiers, Bert van den Heuvel, Denise Piccinini, René van der Velde, Gerdy Verschuure, Eric Luiten

release date: Jan 01 2012
editor: Michiel Pouderoijen, Dirk Sijmons
publisher: TU Delft
text by DGJ
Since 2012 the scientific staff of the section Landscape Architecture at TU Delft is jointly blogging, featuring also DGJ's Daniel Jauslin. They write about special and general, marginal and central, scintific and funny, hirstorc and visionay, small and large themes of Landscape Architecture.

The Architecture of Low Energy Consumption

"Resource Recycling"

release date: 2012

publisher: Phoenix

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

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Research and Design in landscape architecture

Steffen Nijhuis, Inge Bobbink, Daniel Jauslin

release date: Dec 31 2011

editor: Landscape Architecture, Departement Urbanism, TU Delft Faculty of Architecture

text by DGJ

english, 11 pages

This paper aims to introduce the particular methodology of the author's and their colleagues at TU Delft Chair of Landscape Architecture. This approach is characterised by theories, methods and techniques converging towards design and research and research by design. The relation and interaction between these research domains is illustrated with examples from research and education establishing design research and research by design as a coherent methodology.

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Landscape Architecture at TU Delft 1973-2011: Ter gelegenheid afscheid Prof. Dr. Clemens Steenbergen

Homan, A. · Van der Weide, A. · Bordes, B. · Kwast, B. · Van den Heuvel, D. · Stegewerns, C. · Jongsma, C. · Van Ees, C. · Wouters, C. · Jauslin, D. · Wijnen, D. · Piccinini, D. · Dekker, E. · Van der Kooij, E. · Luiten, E. · De Jong, E. · Toni, F. · Aerts, F. · Verschuure-Stuip, G. · Stotijn, H. · Bakker, I. · Bobbink, I. · Meulenberg, I. · Woltjer, J. · Wilbers, J. · Niemeijer, J. · Lonsdale, J. · Wiers, J. · Pouderoijen, M. · Roos, A. · Hellendoorn, D. · Visser, K. · Storm-Prins, M. · Van der Helm, M. · De Vos, L. · Veldman, M. · Hartveld, M. · Den Ruijter, M. · Verbruggen, N. · Rickert, N. · De Graaf, P. · Van der Ree, P. · Aben, R. · Buijs, R. · Rooij, R. · Van der Velde, R. · De Wit, S. · Nijhuis, S. · Holtappels, S. · Meeks, S. · Van Assen, S. · Van Oosten, S. · Van den Busken, S. · Hermans, W.

release date: Dec 15 2011

publisher: TU Delft Landscape Architecture

text by DGJ

dutch, 104 pages

Light-filled interior design in the new Raiffeisen branch in Zurich

"WOHNREVUE Schweizer Magazin für anspruchsvolles Wohnen und zeigemässes Design"

Thomas Walliser (Geschäftsführung)

release date: Dec 01 2011

editor: Boll Verlag AG

text about DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

german, 1 page

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Landscape Aesthetics for Sustainable Architecture (Book-Chapter in:)

"Aesthetics of Sustainable Architecture"

Daniel Jauslin

release date: Nov 17 2011

editor: Sang Lee

publisher: 010

text by DGJ

10 pages

This book deals with the aesthetic potentials of sustainable archit ecture and its practice. In contrast to the mechanistic model, the book attempts to open a new area of scholarship and debate on sustainability in the design and production of architecture. In many instances, the key principles behind environmental concerns and sustainability in architecture are often misunderstood and misrepresented. Many often consider sustainability within a limited set of choices or still regard it as yet another inconvenience that hinders development. Certainly technical improvements help alleviate the problems at hand. But fundamental questions remain in regard to architecture: What are the structural issues behind the consciousness on sustainability and how do we address them in design? And what kind of opportunities can we find in its aesthetics for the revision of our industrial model? The book traces and underscores how the consideration of environment and sustainability is directly connected to aesthetic propositions in architecture.

Designed by Piet Gerards Ontwerpers
English 320 pp / 240 x 170 mm / paperback 
price € 29.50 ISBN 978 90 6450 752 6
to be published November 2011, forthcoming

Ecological campus: research into a more sustainable TU Delft campus

Van Schadewijk, F., Mentors: Ir. Robert Nottrot, Ir. Daniel Jauslin

release date: Nov 07 2011

text by DGJ

english, 91 pages

Research into a more sustainable TU Delft campus. This document contains a presentation for an ecologically sustainable campus centre for the TU Delft. The aim of the design was the creation of an attractive study environment, while at the same time strengthening the ecological quality of the surrounding area. The building takes into account the local water system en green infrastructure.

Fließende Formen in der Raiffeisenbank Zürich

"Detail - Zeitschrift für Architektur"

Meike Regina Weber (et al.)

release date: Nov 01 2011

editor: Christian Schittich

publisher: Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation GmbH & Co. KG, München

text about DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

german, english, 2 pages

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release date: Okt 01 2011

editor: Architizer LLC, 281 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016

text about DGJ

english, 2 pages

Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects are now a part of the international architectual project "Architizer".

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Minimum Impact House


Sebastian El khouli, Christiano Lepratti, Guendalina Salimei, Annette Blegvad

release date: Sep 14 2011

editor: International Union of Architects (UIA)

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

english, 4 pages

Social and ethical responsibility Building their own home is the dream of many people, especially families. Here a strategy i provided to create a new type of homes in the city and reinforcing the social, economic, and cultural fabric of the urban centres. In the fast-grown suburbs an unnatural homogenous population is created because on the very small group of people usually moves there within a short period of time. This segregation of a large proportion of the society weakens the social structure. In the city centre a social groups a mixed and interact. The individual experiences being part of a society every day. This understanding is the foundation for any social and democratic understanding. Ressource efficiency and environmental impact Residential houses are the main course for land-use. Building new suburbs leads to the destruction of natural environments, more streets, traffic, and pollution. One important aim was to demonstrate that in the smallest urban niche it is possible to built a fully-functioning house which meets the highest design standards and ecological criteria.


Minimum Impact House

"10 years and designing energy-efficient building unit of the Technical University of Darmstadt"

Fachgebiet Entwerfen und Energie-effizientes Bauen der Technischen Universität Darmstadt

release date: Sep 10 2011

editor: energy-efficient building unit of the Technical University of Darmstadt

publisher: Technical University of Darmstadt

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 pages

Minimum Impact House - Developing a sustainable prototype

The project Minimum Impact House is a prototype for sustainable housing development in the city. Sustainability and ecology requires a holistic optimization of the building. At the mini house manufacturing of the building, operation and location factors such as urbanity and mobility were considered together. It turned out to be an inner-city densification has a number of environmental advantages. Prevent urban sprawl, traffic, reduces the intensified use of existing infrastructure and strengthen the social fabric of the city. For developing inner-city African developing new building types and building structures for the creation of sustainable housing in the city is required.


The floating office. New ideas on how to create new living space. On the water an or the gap - where we will be building in the future.

release date: Aug 05 2011

editor: Eberhard Ebner, Johannes Friedmann, Thomas Schaub, Christoph Schwingenstein

publisher: Süddeutscher Verlag

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

„The fact, that many people drive to town for work or leisure activity, increases the output of carbon dioxide.[..] Nearly half of the annual land consumption is generated by the building industry. With his architectural office (Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects) he realized in Frankfurt a few years ago a idea: the Minihouse.

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release date: 08/2011

editor: Archello, Binnenhof 62D 1412 LC Naarden P.O. Box 394 1400 AJ Bussum The Netherlands

text about DGJ

english, 3 pages

Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects are now a part of the international architects portal Archello

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Looking for most exquisite restroom: the city is rewarding ideas for flexible restroom services in the Frankfurt Journal.

release date: July 26 2011

editor: Presse Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

publisher: Presse Verlagsgesellschaft mbH

text about DGJ

german, 3 pages

Enjoying the sun in the green spaces or taking a stroll along the Main – more and more people in Frankfurt spend their leisure time outside. And what does this mean? Frankfurt needs more public toilets. They are planned now.

A multidisciplinary jury, i.a. with representatives of the parks and gardens department and the Office for the Environment, has now made their decision. A special award goes to the design of Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects for their construction with willows.

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New Cover for the smallest room in the Frankfurter new press online

release date: July 25 2011

publisher: Frankfurter Societäts-Medien GmbH

text about DGJ

project: dgj166 Mobile Toilet Container

german, 1 page

As nice as it is to be outside, as desperate it can get. In the parks of Frankfurt there are less public toilets than needed. Often complained, the city council is working on the future concept „ Public toilets in the city of Frankfurt”. There you find the following plan: Instead of building expensive permanent toilets, which will be run down after a while, temporar y toilets are planned to be provided during the summer. The architectural office Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects handed in a construction out of willows as an “overcoat” and won a special award.

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Life on the fire wall ...

"Summer in the City: Frankfurt im Architektursommer Rhein-Main 2011"

Univ.-Prof. Roland Burhard et al.

release date: July 08 2011

editor: Univ.-Prof. Roland Burhard et al.

publisher: jovis Verlag GmbH

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

1 page

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Minimum Impact House Un parassita altamente sostenibile

"legno architettra"

Luca Maria Francesco Fabris

release date: July 04 2011

publisher: Edicom Edizioni

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

8 pages

Italian only: Ridurre l'impatto del consumo di suolo, creando una nuova tipologia di edificio residenziale che recupera aree del centro cittá poco densificate: é questa la proposta di un progetto di ricerca tedesco che ottimizza globalmente l'impatto ecologico, sociale, economico attraverso alloggi di edilizia sociale residenziale in legno.


Minimal Impact House in Frankfurt/Main

" Passivhäuser - Wohngebäude Musterprojekte, Konstruktionsdetails, Kennwerte"

Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lückmann, Dipl. Ing. Franziska Pietryas

release date: July 03 2011

editor: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lückmann

publisher: WEKA MEDIA GmbH & Co. KG Römerstraße 4 D-86438 Kissing

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 21 pages

The demand for passive houses has risen substantially in recent years. To meet the ever increasing cost of oil and electricity prices, many owners opt for an energy-efficient construction and save up to 90% on energy costs.

The new planning guide passive houses residential planning prepares you for this task well before, because selected project examples and detailed technical information to help you implement your own building project.

Take advantage of the design manual passive houses of residential buildings

Expertise for client consulting: The selected projects provide ideas for your own design. Concept variants and construction data to support the decisions.
Safety in design: designs, details and concepts of the building can be incorporated into your own planning.

pub2011.024_Minihaus_im_WEKA_Maunal_Passiv House

potential for a meaningful recompaction

"Summer in the City: Frankfurt im Architektursommer Rhein-Main 2011"

Univ.-Prof. Roland Burhard et al.

release date: July 01 2011

editor: Univ.-Prof. Roland Burhard et al.

publisher: jovis Verlag GmbH

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

1 page

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tentoonstellingen: MIN-I-HOUSES

"Architectuur Agenda Rotterdam"

Architectuur Agenda Rotterdam

release date: 07/2011

text by DGJ


Minimum Impact House (Min-i-Houses) is een bouw- en onderzoeksproject naar duurzame woningbouw in de stad. De tentoonstelling toont een selectie projecten in Amsterdam, Frankfurt en Rotterdam en tien ontwerpprojecten van studenten aan de Technische Universiteit Darmstadt (Duitsland). DGJ-Architeden, Mecklenburglaan 14, Rotterdam, mal wo & za 11-17,




Marcello Soeleman

release date: June 27 2011

editor: TU Delft

text by DGJ

dutch, 1 page



Dag Van De Architectuur

"Dag Van De Architectuur"

Dag Van De Architectuur

release date: June 25 2011

text by DGJ


25juni Architectenbureau aan woonhuis Kralingen: Open Huis
Een woning met architectenbureau in Kralingen (Rotterdam) is volledig gerenoveerd voor de jonge familie van de architect. Terwijl de indeling
van de karners de originele indeling van de woning volgt, zijn belangrijke elementen ontworpen vanuit een hedendaagse benadering. Keuken en badkarner zijn gerenoveerd door zorgvuldig elementen toe te voegen waardoor de karners hun kwaliteit heb ben behouden. Licht en ruimte zijn in de woning gebracht door een glazen vloer op een stalen constructie van zeepbellen die door de karners naar: de zelf ontworpen tuin waaien. In het souterrain heeft het architectenbureau een spectaculair landschappelijk uitzicht op de Alpen.

Locatie: Mecklenburglaan 14.
Tijd: 11.00 - 17;00 uur
(rondleidingen orn 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00 en 16.00 uur).
Meer informatie:


Dag Van De Architectuur Rotterdam

"Dag Van De Architectuur Rotterdam"

Dag Van De Architectuur Rotterdam

release date: June 18 2011

text by DGJ


Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten
Mecklenburglaan 14
Tijd: 11:00uur - 17: oouur

DGJ Arch. Mecklenburglaan 14.


Small but Beautifull - City Dwellers Living in the 21st Century


Claudia Nickel

release date: June 15 2011

editor: Dipl.-Ing. Ulrich Höhn, Dipl.-Ing. Johann Gottfried Löwenstein

publisher: AEC Software GmbH • Europaalle 14 • 67657 Kaiserslautern • Telefon +49 631 303 3311 • Telefax +49 631 303 3320 • E-Mail

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

8 pages

Small but beautifull - city dwellers living in the 21st century




Ecological Awareness

"Linoleum Special"

Hans Drexler

release date: June 02 2011

editor: Armstrong DLW GmbH 

publisher: Armstrong DLW GmbH 
Stuttgarterstr. 75 
Bietigheim-Bissingen D-74321 

text by DGJ

german, 2 pages

Design for Disassembly: A Statement of decomposible for building structures

The construction of buildings uses most of the resources we consume. Demolition and construction activities also generates  approximately 60% of all waste. The current development in the construction industry fear suggests that the amount of waste in the future increase even more, because on the one hand, the life expectancy of the building continuously decreases, the other more different materials are joined together and more thoroughly: Composite materials consist of a variety of starting materials, which are glued together with non-detachable connections to a huge pile of future hazardous waste. Due to this waste production the environment and society are challenged as well as by the production of new building materials, which leads to energy and raw material consumption.

Sustainable buildings must be constructed differently: The individual components must be assembled with detachable joints. Constructive layers must be designed so leave them to wait, individually and exchange, because the stress and life is different. In particular, technical building equipment must be replaced and upgraded, because on the one hand the technology improves rapidly, but also to changing conditions (availability of resources, climate change) needs to be adjusted.
















Castle in the Air in Passivhouse-Standard


Jan Otto Weber

release date: May 12 2011

editor: Thomas Schmid

publisher: Alex Springer

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 pages

Affordable housing in the city while maintaining quality of life - a problem that employs the Frankfurt architect Hans Drexler for some years. His concern was not only a question of economic efficiency, but also about the environmental and social benefits of densification of urban areas. An idea that should be in the interests of urban planners. After all boasted Frankfurt as Germany's capital and passive house is striving towards the European title of a Green City. The award given by the city's architecture award "Green Building Award" to encourage private developers to sustainable designs. Hans Drexler received the award in 2009 for his mini-house. On a wedge-shaped area of 29 square meters, he set up at the Walter-Kolb-Strasse in Sachsenhausen, a multi-storey wooden building in passive house standard with a floor space of 145 square meters.


Open Lounge by NAU + DGJ


Kate Parker

release date: May 04 2011

text about DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

English only: "Raiffeisen’s flagship branch on Zurich’s Kreuzplatz dissolves traditional barriers between customer and employee, creating a new type of “open bank,” a space of encounter."

L'infiltrato sostenibile: Prototipo Minimum Impact House a Francoforte


Luva Maria Francesco Fabris

release date: May 01 2011

publisher: Abitare

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

2 pages

Italian only: Completare, non espandere. È la filosofia di quest'opera sperimentale firmata dallo studio DGI architekten. Che pui a riqualificare nicchie, interstizi, spazi di risulta.


Green Buildings: Apply for Architectural award

"planning + building in frankfurt"

planen und bauen

release date: May 01 2011

publisher: Verlag Helmut Richardi GmbH, Phillip Otto

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 3 pages

For the second time the „Architekturpreis für nachhaltiges Bauen“ (architectural prize for sustainable building) will be awarded in November 2011. Within the last competition architects, planner and  building owner of eight buildings were awarded with the Green Building Award. One of the awarded buildings was the Minimum Impact House.

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Minihaus als Nachverdichtung in Frankfurt am Main

"Baunetz Wissen"

Michaela Boguhn

release date: Apr 10 2011

editor: Jürgen Paul

publisher: BauNetz Media GmbH

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 pages

Research Project: a prototype for sustainable construction

The existing infrastructure, the social and cultural offerings and the short distances make it attractive to live in the middle of the city. The dream of owning a home, however, can often seem to realize just on the outskirts. Inner-city building sites are scarce on the market and offer often difficult conditions. But even in an area of ​​29 square meters can be a full house plan that shows the office Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects in Frankfurt am Main with his mini house.


Build presents projects by NAU + DGJ

"build Das Architekten - Magazin "

Ralf Ferdinand Broekman

release date: Apr 01 2011

editor: Prof. Dr. Johannes Busmann Ralf Ferdinand Broekman

publisher: Müller+Busmann KG

text by DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

german, english, 2 pages


Timber houses and KVH

"AFA Architectural magazine"


release date: Apr 01 2011

editor: Frank Pawlak

publisher: Frank Pawlak Verlag

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 pages

The amount of frame houses measured to the total market of one- and two-family houses has been increasing constantly. About 13.000 residential buildings were built in timber-panel -construction and prefabricated timber-construction in Germany in 2009, with tendency to rise. Because of the commercial and technological advantage of the modern timber-construction, there can be expected, that the positive trend will continue during the following years.

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"FreeLounge - Fachmagazin für kommunale Frei-Räume"

Dr. Anke Münster - Chefredaktion

release date: Apr 01 2011

editor: freizeit&spiel verlagsgesellschaft, Kleinmainscheid

text by DGJ

project: dgj166 Mobile Toilet Container

1 page

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Géronde: nouvelle plage en juin 2013

"Le Nouvelliste"


release date: Feb 18 2011

text about DGJ

Architectural competition. The Renovation of today’s Bath Géronde will be soft and luxurious. With new pools the swimmers can dive directly into the lake.

CONCOURS D'ARCHITECTURE. La rénovation des actuels Bains de Géronde sera douce et luxueuse. Avec les nouveaux bassins, les baigneurs pourront entrer directement dans le lac .

Le Nouveliste PDF

Wie im Raumschiff

"Wie im Raumschiff"

Nicolas Y. Aebi (Foto)

release date: Feb 17 2011

editor: 20Minuten

publisher: TA Media

text about DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz


Like in a Spacecraft: The newest Branch of the Raiffeisenbank at Zurich's Kreuzplatz is not saving on modernity. White shining surfaces and space stile furniture generate  the athmosphere of an "open bank" as director Thomas Stutz says. (transl. DGJ).

article in 20Minuten (German) PDF

Einzahlen mit Einstein

"Neue Zürcher Zeitung"

Jenny Keller

release date: Feb 16 2011

text about DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz


Futuristische neue Filiale der Raiffeisenbank am Zürcher Kreuzplatz

Die Wände einer Bankfiliale am Kreuzplatz erzählen die Geschichte des Quartiers Hottingen.





release date: Feb 16 2011

editor: Ville de Sierre

text about DGJ

Le jury du concours d’architecture pour le réaménagement de Géronde-Plage a tranché. Il a choisi le projet d’un bureau zurichois, qui s’intègre parfaitement au lac et à l’environnement.


1er prix. 1er rang : « Côte Sauvage », DGJ + NAU arge PDF

Futuristische Bankfiliale am Kreuzplatz


Andres Herzog

release date: Feb 16 2011

text by DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz

german, english, 1 page

german only: Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architekten und Designstudio NAU haben eine Bankfiliale am Kreuzplatz in Zürich gestaltet. Bauherrschaft und Architekten waren darum bemüht, die Idee einer «offenen» Bank, wo jegliche Schranken zwischen Kunden und Berater aufgehoben ist, in Architektur umzusetzen, schreibt die «NZZ». «Entstanden ist dabei ein fliessendes, helles Foyer mit Mobiliar in futuristischer Formensprache und weisser, glänzender Oberfläche.» Ins Auge stechen die geschwungenen Wände mit ornamentalen Verzierungen. Die Gesichter bekannter Persönlichkeiten aus Hottingen sind darin eingelassen und erzählen so die Geschichte des Quartiers.


Nachhaltige Beziehung zur Natur

"Walliser Bote"

Sebastian Glienz

release date: Feb 15 2011

editor: Walliser Bote

publisher: Walliser Bote

text about DGJ

german, 1 page

Die Anlage rund um den Gerundensee in der Sonnenstadt wird neu gestaltet. Den Architekturwettbewerb bjlt die Arbeitsgemeinschaft NAU Architecture in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Büro

Drexler Guinand Jauslin aus Zürich gewonnen.

Nachhaltige Beziehung zur Natur PDF

Architecture with Landscape Methods: Case Study of the Rolex Learning Centre Lausanne by SANAA Tokyo

Jauslin, D.

release date: Nov 23 2010

publisher: Architectural Institute of Japan

text by DGJ

english, 4 pages

Contemporary architecture has been strongly influenced by the concept of landscape in recent times. A new mindset evolves that changes the core of the architectural discipline: the organization and composition of architectural space as a landscape. The scope of this thesis is to investigate and understand architecture that has been designed like a landscape. In projects of OMA, MVRDV, Peter Eisenman, Foreign Office or Diller+Scofidio the building inside and landscape outside do not merely interact, but the building is designed as an artificial landscape on its own. Landscape constitutes the inside. The landscape to architecture relation is turned inside-out. The author is studying these phenomena and their design methodologies.
As a first finalized and completely documented case study the analysis of the Rolex Learning Center in Lausanne by SANAA is surely an important part of our discovery of landscape methods for architectural design. Landscape is developing here as the aesthetic mediator between nature and human.

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The Minimum Impact House: Applications of the Frankfurt Prototype for sustainable building in Cities of the European Rhine Region

Drexler, H. Jauslin, D. Curiel, F.

first published in: Article in monograph of in proceedings

release date: Nov 04 2010

editor: Sustainable Building Conference, 11 - 13 October 2010, Maastricht, The Netherlands

text by DGJ

english, 8 pages

The Minimum Impact House in Frankfurt am Main is a sustainable solution for low cost living within city centers - a prototype typology with minimal footprint, built on a leftover urban space. The planning process itself became part of a scientific study.
The ecological advantages of building in the city where integrated in a real building project with new typology, ecological construction-technique and materialization. The goal was to minimize environmental impact through construction and operation of the building. In a comparative study we compared advantages and disadvantages of a single-family house in the centre versus new building zones. This included qualitative an quantitative comparison over a life cycle of 50 years with construction, running, maintenance, disassembly and location related mobility.

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Tuin Park Landschap: Documentatie Minor Landschapsarchitectuur 2009

Jauslin, D.T. · Piccinini, D. · Stribos, T. · Van der Plas, M.

release date: July 14 2010

publisher: TU Delft

text by DGJ

dutch, 52 pages

The courtesy of height

"Uptown Online"

Nicole Allé

release date: 06/2010

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 pages

Everybody is talking about sustainable building, but what does this really mean?
First of all: It is more than just a bit of insulation.
It is a gentle way of handling resources regarding the whole life cycle of a building.
This is what the project was about, the young architectural office
Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects in Frankfurt and the TU Darmstadt worked.
The aim was to develop a prototype for sustainable building in cities.

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Architecture with Landscape Methods

Daniel Jauslin

release date: May 26 2010

editor: TU Delft

publisher: TU Delft

text by DGJ

english, 72 pages

Contemporary architecture has been strongly influenced by the concept of landscape in recent times. A new mindset evolves that changes the core of the architectural discipline: the organization and composition of architectural space as a landscape. The scope of this thesis is to investigate and understand architecture that has been designed like a landscape.
In proiects of OMA, MVRDV, Peter Eisenman, Foreign Office or Diller+Scofidio the building inside and landscape outside do not merely interact, but the building is designed as an artificial landscape on its own. Landscape constitutes the inside. The landscape to architecture relation is turned inside-out.
The analysis of the Rolex Learning Center by SANAA is surely an important part of our discovery of landscape methods for architectural design. Landscape is developing here as the aesthetic mediator between nature and human.

Minimum Impact House - Prototype for Sustainable Building

Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand, Fachgebiet Energie-Effizientes Bauen der TU Darmstadt Prof. Hegger

release date: Apr 10 2010

publisher: Müller und Busmann, Wupperthal

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, english, 188 pages

This minibook summarizes the results of the three-year research project and the developement of the prototype house.


The Miniboook is published
Müller + Bussmann, Wupperthal erschienen.
188 pages (English and German) 14,80 Euro

The Miniboook is published by Müller + Busmann, Wupperthal.

188 pages (English and German) 14,80 Euro


Preview_of_dgj071_MIH_Minibuch.pdf (800 KB)

Minihäuser in Frankfurt am Main (German)


Seidel, Adeline

release date: Mar 23 2010

editor: Hotze, Benedikt

publisher: BauNetz Media GmbH

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 29 pages

Frankfurt's image is mainly formed by the high-rise buildings. But below them wether is changing.

pub2010.002_Baunetz_Minihaeuser_in_Frankfurt.pdf (4,6 MB, German)

BAUNETZWOCHE#166 - Frankfurt Massgeschneidert

""Das Nachhaltigste""

Adeline Seidel

release date: Mar 19 2010

publisher: Müller und Busmann

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

8 pages

The "Minimum Impact House" is a prototype for sustainable and energy efficient housing in the city. The building is the product of a research project of the architectural firm Drexler Guinand Jauslin and the Department of Design and Energy Efficiency of the Department of Architecture of the TU Darmstadt by Manfred Hegger. "The gentle use of resources is a key aspect of sustainability. This is true in the use of urban remnant areas as well as in the choice of material and energy efficiency for he building." says owner and architect Hans Drexler. The benefits of existing urban infrastructure through a densification not only reduces urban sprawl of the surrounding area, it also reduces the volume of traffic and stabilizes the economic and social structure of the city.


Minihouse for the City Centre

"Bauen mit Holz (Timber Constructions)"

Drexler. Hans

release date: Dec 01 2009

editor: Frizten, Klaus

publisher: Bruder Verlag

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 5 pages

pub2009.012_Minihaus_Bauen_mit_Holz_Dez_2009.PDF (2,5 MB, German)

On the smallest Spot

"LOUIS - Light Life Architecture"

Lydia Meyer

release date: Dec 01 2009

editor: Gesellschaft für Knowhow-Transfer in Architektur und Bauwesen mbH

publisher: Roma

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 5 pages

The young architects office Drexler Guinand Jauslin designed a small town house on a site of only 29sqm.

publ2009.012_dgj071_Minihaus_in_Architekturmagazin_Louis.pdf (590KB, German)

Efficiency on the smallest foot print

"House and Energy (German)"

Merle Theess

release date: Dec 01 2009

editor: Andreas Lohse, ab (v.i.S.d.Fi)

publisher: PHOTON Europe GmbH

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

7 pages

There are a lot of Passivhouses, but most of them outside the city-center. The Frankfurt Minihouse shows that this can also be achieved on the smallest inner city sites.

dgj071_Minihaus_Haus und Energie Dez 2009.pdf (2,7MB, German)

Brandmark Greenbuilding

"Frankfurter Rundschau"

Dr. Matthias Arning

release date: Nov 11 2009

editor: Konstantin Neven DuMont

publisher: Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main GmbH

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Brandmark Greenbuilding - City awards eight Buildings.

pub2009.11_dgj071_Minihaus_FAZ_Greenbuilding.pdf (800KB, German)

Meister der Baulücke, Minimum Impact House

"Name der Publikation"

Jacob-Freitag, Dipl. Ing. Susanne

first published in: Mikado - Unternehmensmagazin für Holzbau und Ausbau

release date: 11/2009

editor: Name Herausgeber

publisher: WEKA MEDIA GmbH & Co. KG

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, english, 3 pages

Text zur Publikation

pub2009.009_dgj071_Minihaus_Mikado (1 MB, German)

Towels and Match-Boxes (German)

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ "

Schulze, Rainer (Redaktion FAZ)

release date: Okt 13 2009

editor: Schirrmacher, Frank

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Left over sites and minihouses in Frankfurt.

pub2009.10.13._dgj071_FAZ-Minihaeuser_in_Frankfurt.pdf (1,8 MB, German)

Left Over Spaces and Brick Walls

"Energy Efitient Architecture"

Thomas Sternagel, Till Schaller, Martin Sommer, Arne Winkelmann

release date: Sep 10 2009

editor: Akademie der Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen, Martin Sommer

publisher: jovis Verlag GmbH

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 4 pages

publ2009.09_dgj071_Minihaus_in_Buch_EinSparHaus_AKH.pdf (1,0 MB, German)

Sustainable Living on a 29sqm Site Area

"Informationsdienst Wissenschaft"

Jörg Feuck, Chefredakteur

release date: July 09 2009

editor: TU Darmstadt


text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Minimum Impact House is award by building ministery.

pub2009.08 dgj071 Informationsdienst Wissenschaft Nachhaltiges Wohnen Effizienzhaus_2009_ausgezeichnet.pdf (200KB, German)

Sustainable Living on a 29sqm Site Area



release date: July 08 2009


text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Sustainable Living on a 29sqm Site Area (179KB, German)

research and Living in the Minihouse

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ "

Eva-Maria Magel

release date: June 21 2009

editor: Werner D'Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

An architects and the Technical Univeristy Darmstadt research about urban densification.

pub2009.07_dgj071_Minihaus_FAZ_21.07.2009.pdf (580KB, German)

Dutch Architecture with Landscape Methods

Daniel Jauslin

release date: May 01 2009

editor: TU Delft Faculty of Architecture, Chair of Landscape Architecture Pro. C.M. Steenbergen

publisher: TU Delft

text by DGJ

english, 140 pages

14 Project Documentations and Analysis of Dutch Architecture with Landscape Methods. MVRDV Villa VPRO, Powerhouse Company Villa 1, Herman Herzberger Coda Museum, NL Architects Basket Ba, SeARCH Posbank Pavillion, Wiel Arets Hedge House, OMA Kunsthal and Educatorium, Maaskant Johnson Wax, Diller & Scofidio Blur Building, De Architecten Cie Frits van Dongen Cap Gemini Campus, Mecanoo TU Dlelft Library and Venhoeven CS Sportplaza Mercator. Compared to Historic Gardens: Hawkstone Park, Villa La Rotonda, Stourhead, Boboli Garden, Castle Howard, Lingering Garden, Villa Cetinale, Stowe House, Campus, Mekelpark, Vondelpark

Towards A Sustainable Architecture

"Greenplattform - Art Ecology Sustainability"

Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand

release date: Apr 01 2009

editor: Franziska Nori

publisher: Strozzina, Florenz

text by DGJ

english, 9 pages

Dealing with the issue of sustainability always implies the hope of improving the present conditions and of actively contributing to sustainable developement. An awareness of the complex relations involved the search for new possible solutions, and education, and training concerning the mutual interdependence of the various systems.

pub2009.003_Strozzina__towards a sustainable design.pdf (2,1 MB)

Minimum Impact House - Presentation at the 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)

"4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU)"

Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand

release date: Mar 08 2009

editor: TU Delft

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

english, 6 pages

res071_minimum impact house The 4th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism (IFoU).pdf (700KB)

Propositions for a study of Architecture with Landscape Methods: Could innovative design methods lead to Sustainable Spatial Development?

Jauslin, D.

release date: Feb 12 2009

publisher: Universität Kassel

text by DGJ

english, 18 pages

Contemporary architecture has been strongly influenced by the concept of landscape in recent times. The landscape analogy that accompanied architecture for a long time in tectonics or ornament is now transforming the concepts of form and space. The landscape analogy has moved from marginal subjects to the core of the discipline. We are looking for principals of architectural theory, which can not be derived anymore from an big predominant ideology. What framework for architecture do we still need in the more or less lucky freedom of our time? We might want to use the proposed exercise of knowledge transfer to rediscover some basic principles. A study of landscape as a means of architecture could lead to such a basic theory, not derived from any ideology nor adopting philosophical terms to a practical field. We prefer looking in our own backyard, enjoying the freedom of thoughts about our own subject matter. Paper from DRITTES INTERNATIONALES DOKTORANDINNENKOLLEG NACHHALTIGE RAUMENTWICKLUNG (DOKONARA 2009) 3. Kolleg „Globale Krise – regionale Nachhaltigkeit“ 27. bis 30. September 2009, Evangelische Akademie Hofgeismar Universität Kassel Architektur, Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung Ulf Hahne Universität Innsbruck Institut für Geographie Martin Coy Hochschule Liechtenstein Architektur und Raumplanung Peter Droege

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Audacious Camouflage


Demmrich, Dr. Stephan

release date: Feb 01 2009

editor: Amel Cramer

publisher: Wohn!Design Verlag AG

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 6 pages

pub2009.003_Minihaus_WohnDesign_2009.03.01_S.pdf (1.31 MB, German)

Fantastic Life cycle balance

"Hoch 3"

Jörg Feuck, Chefredakteur

release date: June 30 2008

editor: TU Darmstadt

publisher: TU Darmstadt Verlag

text by DGJ

german, 1 page

Research Project for sustainable protoype.

pub2008.006_dgj071_Minihaus in Hoch3 (197KB, German)

Urban Sound Ladscape

"Archithese "

Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand

release date: June 01 2008

editor: Dr. J. Christoph Bürkle (Leitung), Hubertus Adam, Hannes Mayer

publisher: Verlag Niggli AG, Verband freierwerbender Schweizer Architekten (FSAI)

text by DGJ

german, 8 pages

Investigates an acoustic landscape in the city.

pub2008.006_Architese_Soundscape_dj.pdf (340KB, German)

Reuse of Transformator



release date: Apr 14 2008

publisher: Hochpaterre

text by DGJ

project: dgj113 Most at Power Station Andhausen

1 page

pub2007.005_dgj113_Hochpaterre_MostTurm.pdf (860KB, German)

Uses, Situation, and Conditions of Space


Jesse Reisser, Naneko Umemoto in Interview with Hans Drexler, Chris Duisberg

first published in: AA Landscape Urbanism

release date: Jan 01 2008

editor: Dr. J. Christoph Bürkle (Leitung), Hubertus Adam, Hannes Mayer

publisher: Verlag Niggli AG, Verband freierwerbender Schweizer Architekten (FSAI)

text by DGJ

german, 6 pages

Jesse Reisser and Naneko Umemoto of RUR Architects are investigating the relationsship of uses, material, and the structure of space.

pub2001.05_werkbauen_RUR_interview.pdf (6,0 MB, German)

Transformation Station Zollikon, CH


Jauslin, Daniel

release date: Jan 01 2008

editor: Dr. J. Christoph Bürkle (Leitung), Hubertus Adam, Hannes Mayer

publisher: Verlag Niggli AG, Verband freierwerbender Schweizer Architekten (FSAI)

text by DGJ

project: dgj075 Gstad electrical sub-station

german, 1 page

pub2008.001_Trafo_archithese.pdf (420 KB, German)

Simple Double Deux

"Schöner Wohnen"

release date: June 23 2007

publisher: Schöner Wohnen

text by DGJ

project: des001 simpledoubledeux

1 page

pub2007.007_SimpleDoubleDeux_SchoenerWohnen.pdf (20MB, German)

New Community Center is Pulsating

"Zürichsee Zeitung"


release date: Feb 08 2007

text by DGJ

project: dgj080 Library Zollikon

german, 1 page

pub2007.002_dgj080_Zuerichsee.pdf (200KB, German)

Basics Materials (English)

"Birkhäuser Basics"

Manfred Hegger (Autor), Hans Drexler (Autor), Martin Zeumer (Autor)

release date: Okt 06 2006

publisher: Birkhauser Verlag AG

text by DGJ

german, english, 88 pages

The Materiality of buildings and constructions is an important aspect of architectural design. The approach to and use of materials is a fundamental building block of architectural training. The themes featured include: subjective effect of materials; haptic influences; use of materials; and creative use of classical construction materials.

PREVIEW publ2006.0_Basics_Materialitaet_Birkhaeuser.pdf (550KB)

Space Spiral

"Raum und Wohnen"

Violi, Dorothee Lehmann

release date: Okt 01 2005

editor: Benjamin Stähli

publisher: Etzel-Verlag AG

text by DGJ

project: dgj044 Spiral House Pigniu

german, 11 pages

pub2005.001_dgj044_Raum_und_Wohnen_Oktober_2005.pdf (1,6 MB, German)

Paintbrush, Colour, and a One-Arm Guitar Player

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ "

Christoph Schütte

release date: June 13 2005

editor: Werner D'Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text by DGJ

project: dgj078 Exhibition Panorama des Alpes

german, 1 page

Review of group exhibition

pub2005.006_FAZ_Ausstellung_Alpenpanorama.PDF (2,7MB, German)

Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects


Walter Bieler, Elisabeth Blum, Mayo Bucher, Rudolf Manz, Adolf Muschg, Felix Schwarz, Philip Ursprung

release date: Mar 10 2005

editor: Hans Drexler, Marc Guinand, Daniel Jauslin

publisher: DGJ! Das geht ja!

text by DGJ

project: dgj044 Spiral House Pigniu

german, 37 pages

pub2005.001_dgj044_BOOK_2005.pdf (880 KB, German)

Raffinesse im Quadrat


Esther Kall

release date: Mar 01 2004

editor: Benjamin Stähli

publisher: Etzel-Verlag AG

text by DGJ

project: dgj010 Rooftop Loft Basel

german, 4 pages

pub2004.001_dgj010_Haeuser_Modernisieren_März_2004.pdf (710 KB, German)

In Conversation with RUR: On Material Logics in Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism

"Landscape Urbanism"

Jesse Reisser, Naneko Umemoto in Interview with Hans Drexler, Chris Duisberg

release date: Dec 10 2003

editor: Mohsen Mostafavi

publisher: AA Publications

text by DGJ

english, 9 pages

Jesse Reisser and Naneko Umemoto of RUR Architects are investigating the relationsship of uses, material, and the structure of space.

pub2004.001_dgj000_AA_Urban_2004.pdf (5,8 MB)

Growing out of Data Field


Greg Lynn in Conversation with Chris Duisberg and Marc Guinand

release date: Sep 14 1998

editor: Studierende der Architekturabteilung der ETH Zürich

publisher: ETH Zürich

text by DGJ

english, 5 pages

pub1998.002_TransForm_Interview_with_Lynn.pdf (1,3 MB)

Coyote (Architecture/City Planning) - Road Runner (Nomad/ Intuition)

"TransID - Seduction in Architektur"

Hans Drexler, Sean Snyder

release date: June 01 1998

editor: Studierende der Architekturabteilung der ETH Zürich

publisher: ETH Zürich

text by DGJ

english, 4 pages

Wile E. Coyote - Road Runner is a cartoon about how many ways not to catch a Road Runner. The perpetually ravenous Wile E. Coyote obsessivly pursues the elusive Road Runner.

pub1998.001_TransID_Roadrunner_and_Coyote_Hans_Drexler_Sean_Snyder.PDF (4,1 MB)

DePositionierung (German)


Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand

release date: Jan 14 1997

editor: Studierende der Architekturabteilung der ETH Zürich

publisher: ETH Zürich

text by DGJ

german, 6 pages

pub1997.001_TransPosition.pdf (1,4 MB, German)

sb 13 munich Conference Guide

"Three Strategies for Holistic Housing"

text by DGJ

Book of Abstracts sb 13 munich

"Three Strategies for Holistic Housing"

editor: Prof.Dr.-Ing. Gerd Hauser, Prof.Dr-Ing.habil.Thomas Lützkendorf, Prof.Dr.-Ing.Natalie Essig

publisher: Fraunhofer IRB

text by DGJ


Vast achievements in the field of sustainable building habe been made: A variety of targets, aspects and criteria habe been identified that constitute important building blocks of a comprehensive understanding of sustainability in the field of architecture. Assessments and evaluation systems have been developed that help to analyse designs and buildings. Still missing are strategies that could be used to integrate the targets in the design process. In a two year empirical research project concepts, strategies and methods for designing sustainable residential buildings habbe been gathered and analysed. Sustainable design is notmerely a technical problem, rather it can be most successful if it accomplishes to bridge the gap between the cultural role of architecture and its technical side. For this reason, the study focused on the design potential that could be derived from the following questions: . What are approaches and strategies to meet the diverse and sometimes divergent requirements of sustainability in architecture? . Waht methods and tools can be applied in the early stages of the design and planning process for new and existing buildings to be planned holistically in order to optimize the design in terms of sustainable construction? . What is the role the context(in the broadest possible sense of climatic, Structural, cultural and social context) plays in respect to the design? . What are the advantages and disadvantages arising from their implementation?

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Affordable Living: The book presented at the "Make City" festival showed successful strategies for demand-oriented and affordable housing

"XIA intelligente architektur"

editor: Klaus Dömer, Prof. Hans Drexler, Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg

text by DGJ

2 pages

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