Well-Being and building monitoring in high efficiency residential buildings

project team: DGJ architects, TU Braunschweig, University of Stuttgart, Humboldt University, AktivPlus eV, Berlin Institute for Social Research, Beibob media friends, VELUX Group

supported by: BBSR - Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung

project period: 2014 - 2017

abstract: Buildings are not only technical equipment they are the living environment of People too. The interaction between buildings and people, therefore it can't be only describe on quantitative, structural-physical characteristics. The aim of this project is to get methods for describing user comfort, convenience and energy performance of buildings. To this end, it is developed a general applicable measurement instrument to describe and evaluate the user comfort in residential buildings (well-being). Here are three sources of data that are collected and compared: 1. Forecasts and simulations 2. Measurement of physical values 3. Survey of users

AktivPlus Entwicklungsstandard

project team: Prof. Joost Hartwig, Hans Drexler, Prof. Dr. Natalie Eßig, Caroline Fafflok, Dr. Rolf-Michael Lüking, Dr.-Ing. Boris Mahler, Astrid Unger, Thomas Wilken

supported by: AktivPlus e.V. - Walter-Kolb-Strasse 22 - 60594 Frankfurt

project period: July 01 2013 - Dec 31 2016

abstract: “AktivPlus e.V.” develops a standard for sustainable buildings and neighborhoods in the construction and property industry. This should be distinguished that AktivPlus optimize building energy consumption, energy and comfort and interaction with the user and thereby relieve infrastructure and the environment.

Aktivplus Information


project team: DGJ, VELUX Group, Technical University of Denmark (DK), AktivPlus e.V. (DE), Humboldt University, Berlin (DE), NetAtmo (FR), Beibob Medienfreunde Darmstadt (DE)

supported by: Climate-KIC | The EU's main climate innovation initiative; www.climate-kic.org

project period: 2015 - 2016

abstract: At the same time, awareness of the inhabitants about their energy consumption and how they can influence the building performance by their behaviour, will induce a long-term change of this behaviour. ‘Building monitor’ bridges this conceptual gap between building technology and the inhabitants. The aim of the project is to develop a standardised system to monitor buildings in respect of: · energy consumption · carbon emissions · indoor climate · well-being of the inhabitants This research project develops a ‘Building Monitor’ system for residential building with the following objectives: · Easy to install, use and understand. · Optimises energy use by improving understanding of the interaction between user comfort and building performance. · Gathers detailed information about energy consumption and indoor climate. · Provides a user interface displaying information enabling effective building control and optimum comfort. A follow-on project could further develop ‘Building Monitor’ into an integrated monitoring and control ‘Smart Home’ system displaying and analysing data whilst also more efficiently controlling building technology and appliances.

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Monitoring Effizienzhaus Plus - Internatsschule Schloss Hansenberg

project team:

supported by: BBSR für das Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung (BMVBS)

project period: 12/2012 - 08/2015

abstract: In the area of energy-plus building is still little experience of the behavior of buildings in operation. Using the example of a residential building for student monitoring plan should be developed that can be implemented with simple means and involving the users (with low cost). The semi-manual monitoring based on the fact that even with a small number of measurement points and using already available consumption data reletiv a precise statement about energy production, energy consumption and the distribution of this consumption can be made in buildings.

Extension eLCA - LCA for existing buildings

project team:

supported by: BBSR - Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung

project period: 01/2014 - 10/2014

abstract: By means of developed since September 2012 by BBSR "eLCA" online Software Life Cycle Assessment for office and administration buildings can be carried on the basis of published by the BBSR-building Materials database “Ökobau.dat”. Till this time, Life Cycle Assessment was accessible only for new buildings, but not for existing building’s modernization. Provide LCA’S analysis and calculations on existing buildings and modernized structures were the aim of the project. Moreover, the possibility to take into account and support Life Cycle Assessment with recognition of Energy from renewable energy sources was investigated.

eLCA - Ökobilanzierung für Bestandsgebäude

Monitoring house Böhrer, operating of a Effizienzhaus Plus

project team: DGJ Architekts

supported by: BBSR - Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung

project period: 01/2013 - 10/2014

abstract: Intelligent measurement and control technology is the future of technology in the field of monitoring of buildings. The use of this technology as part of an efficiency-Plus poses particular efficiency potentials, because of direct personal consumption of self-generated energy can be maximized through the intelligent coordination of energy supply and energy consumption. This loss for storage, transport and conversion of energy can be avoided. The aim of the project is to develop an intelligent measurement and control technology.

MSA: Sustainable Prototype

project team:

supported by: MSA Münster School of Architecture

project period: 2012 - 2014

abstract: The aim of the project is to develop a construction system made of high-absorbing solid wood that meet future claims and building physics are easier to separate and recycle. The research project investigated how constructions can be developed from the material wood, empowered by the shape and the addition of the individual elements, the important features of modern constructions in particular bearing capacity and thermal protection, and easier to separate and to recycle.


ArchLand Architecture with Landscape Methods: PhD 1st year report

project team: Daniel Jauslin, Supervisors: Prof. Dr. C.M. Steenbergen, Ass. Prof. S. Nijhuis

supported by: TU Delft Chair of Landscape Architecture

project period: Sep 01 2008 - Sep 01 2013

abstract: Contemporary architecture has been strongly influenced by the concept of landscape in recent times. A new mindset evolves that changes the core of the architectural discipline: the organization and composition of architectural space as a landscape. The scope of this thesis is to investigate and understand architecture that has been designed like a landscape. In proiects of OMA, MVRDV, Peter Eisenman, Foreign Office or Diller+Scofidio the building inside and landscape outside do not merely interact, but the building is designed as an artificial landscape on its own. Landscape constitutes the inside. The landscape to architecture relation is turned inside-out. The analysis of the Rolex Learning Center by SANAA is surely an important part of our discovery of landscape methods for architectural design. Landscape is developing here as the aesthetic mediator between nature and human.

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Central Fachlehrgang for student teachers of higher technical management service specializing in building construction

project team: Ganztägiger Workshop mit Prof. Hansruedi Preisig, Zürich

supported by: Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung Ausbildungsleiter für den höheren bautechnischen Verwaltungsdienst

project period: May 27 2013 - May 27 2013

abstract: Zwei Vorträgen : -Strategien und Methoden des nachhaltigen Bauens - Strategien für nachhaltige Wohngebäude - Zertifizierungsmethoden im Bauwesen.

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EcoEasy EcoEasy: Development of a life cycle assessment tool

project team: BEIBOB Medienfreunde Lode, Mathes, Möller GBR, Department of Design and Energy Efficient Building, TU Darmstadt

supported by: BMVBS Bundesministerium für Verkehr- Bau und Stadtentwicklung

project period: Okt 01 2010 - Okt 01 2011

abstract: Development of a user-friendly life cycle assessment tool integrated into the planning process with BEIBOB Medienfreunde Lode, Mathes, Möller GBR and the Department of Design and Energy Efficient Building, TU Darmstadt

Lecture series "Sustainable by Design"

project team:

project period: 09/2010 - 09/2011

abstract: Symposia series with subsequent lecture series and book publication on holistic and comprehensible representation of the interrelationships of sustainable construction at the Münster School of Architecture with international participation.

District architects Mathildenviertel Offenbach

project team:

project period: 09/2010 - 09/2011

abstract: By offering a free consultation by DGJ Frankfurt and the order to act as district architect, the city of Offenbach intensified the speech of homeowners in Mathildenviertel and put important impetus for upgrading the neighborhood.

res071.001 Minimum Impact House - Prototype for Sustainable Building

project team: Hans Drexler, Esther Götz, Kristina Klenner, Marcella Lantelme, Susanne Sauter, Jörg Thöne, Eva Zellmann.

supported by: DBU Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.

project period: June 01 2006 - Aug 30 2008

abstract: Minimum-Impact-House is a holistic approach for the reduction of the overall-impact of residential housing by creating a new type of house in order to densify the city centre. In the design project a prototype mini-house has been developed to explore the potential of so far uninhabitable urban niches. A triangular site of only 29sqm was chosen to built a mini-house in size comparable to a family house of 150sqm. This strategy avoids the further use of land and the need of building new infrastructure like streets and public institutions. The city centre is denser and ways are shorter so that the inhabitants can get all the advantages the city center offers as well as close local recreation areas. In a research project the prototype was compared to a typical suburban house. A life-cycle-analysis quantified the amounts of energy, material, and investment for the construction during an estimated life-span of the buildings of 50 years. The analysis for which a software was developed was also used as a design-tool for optimising the prototype-building in terms of energy-consumption, construction, and materials. For the building construction renewable resources, mainly timber, have been used which reduces the energy content and emissions.

res2009.071_Minimum_Impact_House_Forschungsbericht.pdf (13,9 MB, German)

res071.002 Guideline: Developement of a Minihouse

project team: Hans Drexler, Esther Götz, Kristina Klenner, Marcella Lantelme, Susanne Sauter, Jörg Thöne, Eva Zellmann.

supported by: DBU Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt.

project period: June 01 2006 - Aug 30 2008

abstract: Densifying the city centre is a chance for new architecture and redefining the urban structure. During the last century planning and building was focused on suburbs and big commercial and public buildings often missing the one-to-one experience of the people. Urban life needs small spaces and niches to flourish. People need chances to build their own homes that they can identify with rather than picking one in thousand generic suburban terraced houses. For the prototype new spatial strategies were developed: The house seems to be a lot bigger than its size suggests because to the vertical organisation. Vertical connections, which will later on in the construction be separated by glass walls and ceilings let the space appear bigger: Every floor has its own character and atmosphere. Privacy can be established by moving up one level after the other. An important agenda of the project was to create a new image for sustainable building. Positioning a prototype sustainable building in the heart of the city centre demonstrates the potential of this typology. The image gives this idea an appropriate expression. We developed the facade from the history of the site: Since it was not used since after the war wild trees had grown there to an impressive size, which gave the place a unique atmosphere. Due to an illness the trees were nearly falling over and had to be removed. The facade to the building shows the shadows of the leaves of those absent trees.

res2009.071_Leitfaden-Entwicklung_des_Prototypen_2008.08.18.pdf (22,4 MB, German)

tud002 Energetic evaluation of school building of the city of Offenbach

project team: Department of energy-effitient building design TU Darmstadt Prof. M. Sc. Econ. Manfred Hegger, Project manager Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler Dipl. Ing. Michael Keller, Dipl. Ing. Tanja Klippert, Dipl. Ing. Ingo Lenz

supported by: Stadt Offenbach am Main

project period: Sep 01 2005 - Mar 03 2006

abstract: The city of Offenbach has 28 schools with a total of 50 buildings. Since most of them urgently need energetic refitting it was the focus of this research to develope a method which can calculate and compare the energy consumption of all the buildings in order to how the public investments during the next decade can be applied most efficiently.

tud002_school_evaluation_offenbach.pdf (21,3 MB, German)

P121_BASF Material Innovations: Research and Development Project for New Uses for Poly-Urethan-Foams

project team: Department for Energy-effitient Building Design Prof. M. Hegger Project manager: Dipl. Arch. ETH Hans Drexler M. Arch Dipl.-Ing. TU Sebastian El khouli, Dipl.-Ing. TU Tanja Klippert, cand. arch. Veronika Kraljic, cand. arch. Marcella Lantelme, cand. arch. Franziska Swoboda

supported by: BASF SE Ludwigshafen

project period: Feb 01 2005 - Nov 20 2005

abstract: Material Innovations: Research and Development Project for New Uses for Polyurethan-Foams

P121_Material_InnovationsII_BASF/P121_Material_InnovationsII_BASF.pdf (11,8MB, German)

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