AwardsEuropean Green lnfrastructure Award 2015, Zeeheldentuin, Conference Vienna Young Professional Award ReGeneration Delta, awarded during the Rio+20 UN conference 2012 Award for Marketing + Architektur - Raiffeisenbank Kreuzplatz, Zürich, 2012 Best Archiects 14 Award - Open Lounge: Raiffeisenbank Kreuzplatz, Zürich, 2013 Design prize Wüstenrot Foundation - Future of the Past - The renovation of buildings built between 1945-1979, dgj155 Refurbishment, Bonn, honorable mention, 2012 National Winner Energy Efficient Buildings Award - German Energy Agency (DENA) and Federal Ministry of Building and Urbanism, Minimum Impact House, 2009 Green Building Frankfurt 2009 - City of Frankfurt am Main, Minimum Impact House, 2009 Timber Building Award Hessen 2008, Minimum Impact House, Honorable Mention, 2008, Innerstädtisches Wohngebäude Distinction Exemplary Buildings Land Hessen 2008 Architects Chamber and Ministry of Building Hessen, Minimum Impact House, Special Distinction, 2008 ID Annual Design Review, simpledoubledeux (Bett), Best of Category 'Furniture', 2008 „Goldener Hase“ Nominee for 'Golden Rabbit', Weekend house Panix/Graubünden, 2004 „Living Spaces under the roof“ Velux, Roof top conversion Bruderholz Basel, 3. Price, 2003 I.D. Gold-Award for Interactive Media Design, 'Learning Landscape ETH World', physical and virtual spaces of ETH Zurich, Gold-Award, 2001
Competition succeses: Eden in Westbroekpark, Den Haag 1. rank in public design & developement tender 2015 City Library, Heidenheim an der Brenz, 2013, 2.rank Mobile Toilette Container, Frankfurt, 2011, spezial price Cote Sauvage, construction and refurbishment of a public bath at the lake, Sierre, 2011, 1.rank Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz Zurich, 2011, 1.rank Visitorcenter and watch tower, Airport Frankfurt, 2010, 1.rank Yachtclub Zurich, Zurich, 2010, 1.rank Hergiswood bridge, Kriens, 2009, 2.rank City-Lightning Winterthur, 2008, 1.rank Schoolhouse Langweg Oberrieden, Oberrieden, 2008, 2.rank Drents museum Assen, Assen, 2007, Shortlist of the best 5 Urban center of Kriens, Kriens, 2001, shortlist of the best 4 Extension of the WSL Birmensdorf, Birmensdorf, 2002, 2.rank Primary school Bad Homburg, 2001, 1. runner-up Community centers of the future Denmark, 2001, shortlist of the best 6 Iceskating hall Thalwil, 2001, shortlist of the best 2 Vitrual and physical spaces of the ETH Zurich, Learning Landscape ETH World, 2000, 2.rank