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Nov 11 2016 - Meier Leder - Mueller Sigrist + DGJ winnen Brisgi BadenDGJ heeft een prijsvraag gewonnen als landschapsarchitect in het team van Meier Leder uit Baden en Müller Sigrist Zürich - twee bureaus die succesvolle vernieuwers zijn in het ontwerpen van collectieve woningbouw. Samen hebben zij een buurt ontworpen van bijna 160 nieuwe woningen langs de rivier de Limmat, 20km ten westen van Zürich. Tentoonstelling 14-28 november: Am Montag, 14. November 2016 um 18.00 Uhr wird die Ausstellung der Wettbewerbsprojekte im Quartierraum Kappelerhof mit einer Präsentation und anschliessendem Apéro eröffnet. Dazu sind alle Interessierten herzlich eingeladen. Die Ausstellung kann dann bis Mittwoch, 23. November 2016 täglich besichtigt werden. Die Oeffnungszeiten sind von 15 bis 17 Uhr sowie am Freitag, 18. November von 20 bis 22 Uhr. Der Quartierraum befindet sich im Schulhaus Kapperlerhof (Bruggerstrasse 141, Baden). Project Brisgi Baden het project dgj.ch Pers- en Jurybericht Wohnbaustiftung-Baden.ch |
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Jun 15 2016 - DGJ Frankfurt sucht Interessenten für Wohngruppe / Bauherrengemeinschaft |
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Okt 14 2015 - DGJ Architects & Landscapes wint prijsvraag Westbroekpark.With the combination of Groene Helden & Cafe Blossom, DGJ made a winning competition design for the former mini-golf terrain in Westbroekpark. We have been selected from 30 participants to develop the site for at least 15 years, contributing to a very special place in one of the most beautiful parks in The Hague. Our submission consisted of a daytime restaurant in a greenhouse, combined with vegetable and scent gardens in a park-like setting where there is space for leisure, education and workshops. Our design for both the integration of our park in the Westbroekpark, the greenhouse and the gardens, and in addition a comprehensive businessplan, made a great impression on the jury. In spring 2016 Blossom in the Park will open its doors. We will keep you informed. |
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Feb 06 2015 - Kunstwerken van Mark Rietmeijer in de ZeeheldentuinDe kunstwerken van Mark Rietmeijer zijn geplaatst in de Zeeheldentuin. Mark heeft zijn kunstwerken, gemaakt in de periode 1975 -1986, geschonken aan de tuin en vindt het zelf "fantastisch" dat ze in de Zeeheldentuin mogen staan! |
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Feb 01 2015 - DGJ The Hague hosts young entreprenneurDGJ decided after 2 good experiences to keep a permanent position as host of a young entrepreneur. If you are a young graduated landscape architect form the EU outside the Netherlands with excellent design skills and an interest in sustainable development you may be interested to become our guest sponsored by the EU for 6 months. We can also contribute some interesting suggestions for your business plan. The Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs aims at helping recently established and would-be entrepreneurs to acquire relevant experience and skills for managing a small or medium sized enterprise, by working with an experience from another European country. To participate in the program, you should apply online and contact your country's local partners via the website www.erasmus-entrepreneurs.eu |
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Jan 26 2015 - Aanleg van de ZeeheldentuinDe Zeeheldentuin krijgt vorm! Samen met Verboon bv en Marco van der Helm werkt DGJ Architects & Landscapes aan de inrichting van de tuin. Langzaamaan krijgt de Zeeheldentuin steeds meer vorm en wordt het ontwerp duidelijk zichtbaar tot in detail. We zijn trots dat met de inzet van vrijwilligers, professionals en DGJ het project zichtbaar tot leven komt. |
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Jan 06 2015 - Trainee Kreete Mägi Den Haag, winnaar van een ontwerpwedstrijdHartelijke felicitaties voor Kreete Mägi, onze YEP Erasmus Trainee in Den Haag. Zij heeft met haar ontwerpteam het winnende ontwerp gemaakt voor een speeltuin op het eiland Saaremaa in Estland. Wij wensen haar succes met de uitwerking van haar plannen. |
Dec 18 2014 - Winnaar Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve IndustrieDe Groene Helden Buurtlaboratorium is geselecteerd n.a.v. een Open Oproep 'Experimenteren met Stadslabs' en ontvangt hiermee een subsidie van het Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie voor de uitvoering van ons ingezonden project. De Groene Helden is een samenwerkingsverband van DGJ Architects & Landscapes, Tiessens Gebiedsontwikkeling en Groene Helden Stadskwekerij. |
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Dec 10 2014 - House For SaleHet huis in de Mecklenburglaan 14 staat te koop. Momenteel wordt het statische en architectonisch prachtig ingerichte huis gebruikt voor een Bed & Breakfast onder de naam Parques. Rondom het huis ligt een prachtig aangelegde tuin. |
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Nov 22 2014 - Succesvol klusweekend in de ZeeheldentuinHet eerste klusweekend in de Zeeheldentuin was een succes. Samen met Guido Marsille en 40 vrijwilligers zijn er tafelbladen gemaakt voor de inrichting van de tuin. Wethouder Joris Wijsmuller opende het weekend officieel. DGJ was één van de organisatoren. |
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Nov 11 2014 - Meier Leder - Mueller Sigrist + DGJ win Brisgi BadeDGJ has won as the landscape architect in the team of Meier Leder form Baden and Müller Sigrist in Zürich - two ofiices that are sucessful innovators in communal housing design. Together they designed a neighborhood of alomst 160 new housing units along the river Limmat, 20km West of Zurich. Project Brisgi Baden the project dgj.ch Exhibition 14.-28.11: Am Montag, 14. November 2016 um 18.00 Uhr wird die Ausstellung der Wettbewerbsprojekte im Quartierraum Kappelerhof mit einer Präsentation und anschliessendem Apéro eröffnet. Dazu sind alle Interessierten herzlich eingeladen.
Die Ausstellung kann dann bis Mittwoch, 23. November 2016 täglich besichtigt werden. Die Öffnungszeiten sind von 15 bis 17 Uhr sowie am Freitag, 18. November von 20 bis 22 Uhr. Der Quartierraum befindet sich im Schulhaus Kapperlerhof (Bruggerstrasse 141, Baden). Presse- und Jurybericht Wohnbaustiftung-Baden.ch |
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Mei 21 2014 - DGJ's Zeeheldentuin op 4de Architectuur Biënnale MoskouDe Moscow Architecture Biennale heeft DGJ Architects & Landscapes uitgenodigd om samen met andere professionele Landschapsarchitecten uit West Europa deel te nemen aan de Biennale met een ontwerp voor een 'courtyard' binnen het stedelijk blok. Op de Biennale wordt het door DGJ vrijwillig gemaakte ontwerp van de Zeeheldentuin, een buurttuin in de Zeeheldenbuurt Den Haag, ten toon gesteld. De 'courtyards' tentoonstelling geeft inzicht in hoe landschapsarchitectuur kan bijdragen aan een betere leefomgeving en meer diversiteit kan bieden binnen de uniformiteit van stedelijke woonomgevingen in Rusland. Refererend aan curator Bart Goldhoorn "For Russia, landscape architecture as it is understood nowadays in Western Europe is still quite new, and foreign expertise is in high demand." - zelfs vanuit Europa, if sent with love. 21.-25.5. Central House of Artists, 10, Krymsky val, Moscow, Russia |
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Nov 01 2013 - Big Houses - Small Hpuses ExhibitionAwarded Architecture in Hessian 2008-2013 Opening of the Exhibition on Friday the 1 November 2013 at 8 pm. Exhibition Deutsches Architekturmuseum |
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Okt 19 2013 - Eerste Baggers in Den Haagorige week is aannemer Dura Vermeer begonnen met de voorbereidingen van de bouw Tasmanhof. Na oplevering van deze sociale huurwoningen door de locale woningbouwcoöperatie HaagWonen gaan in de zomer 2014 bewoners met de bouw van de beurttuin Zeeheldentuin beginnen. DGJ Architects & Landscapes hebben zich daadkrachtig ingezet voor dit plaatselijke initiatief sinds wij het Zeehelden kwartier in 2012 als Standplaats gekozen hebben. Nu stichten wij het ontwerp waaraan wij met vrijwilligers ieder maandag in ons atelier werken. DGJ en vele andere vrijwilligers, buren en kinderen kunnen hier eindelijk hun droom van een groene oase in de stad verwezenlijken. Bij DGJ zijn wij ook een beetje trots dat zo veel verschillende bewoners met hulp van de coöperatie, lokale ondernemers, de stad Den Haag en vele stichtingen een enkel maar veelzijdig ontwerp ondersteunen. Wij ervaren het als een warm welkom in onze nieuw gekozen thuisstad. |
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Feb 13 2013 - Future of the Past: Exhibition of Wüstenrot design prize in OsnabrückThe nationwide design price of the Wüstenrot Stiftung 2012 under the title "Future of the Past - The renovation of buildings built between 1945 to 1979" in June, a price, and four awards were presented.
dgj155 passive remediation Mechenstraße Bonn received a Commendation. The exhibition of the prize is now being shown in Osnabrück. The Lübeck architect Helmut Riemann speaks at the opening , who had received one of the awards. Opening: 13 February 2013, 18 clock Exhibition: 13 February 2013 to 11 March 2013, Mon-Fri 9-17 clock Location: martini 50 - forum for architecture and design, Martini Strasse 50, 49078 Osnabrück |
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Feb 12 2013 - Opening Exhibition Corporate Architecture ETH ZurichThe third “Award for Marketing + Architecture” once again recognized outstanding corporate architecture. Architecture is an effective medium for projecting a brand in a way that makes a strong and lasting impression. Buildings and spaces create a location that offers customers a distinctive experience of the corporate identity while at the same time reinforcing it among members of staff. At the award ceremony in April 2012 DGJ & Nau where awarded for their Raiffeisen bank branch at Kreusplatz Zürich. The jury were unanimous in declaring the Pilatus Kulm panorama gallery by Graber & Steiger Architekten. Source gta |
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Feb 03 2013 - Zeheldentuin Den Haag op de RadioDaniel Jauslin, architect en landschapsarchitect van DGJ heeft een vrijwillige beurt initiatief in Den Haag gepresenteerd. Met andere ontwerpers en studenten bereiden DGJ de beurttuin zeehledentuin.nl voor, die 2014 gaat openen. Tuinieren in de stad verbetert de sociale cohesie, verhoogt de attractiviteit voor gezinnen, heeft ecologisch nut en vermindert wateroverlast. En het is een groot plezier voor manen van iedere leeftijd! De vrijwilligers zender RTVdiskus heeft ons uitgenodigd voor deze presentatie die nog 3 maanden bij rtv discus online staat. video link |
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Okt 19 2012 - DGJ Architects & Landscapes @ International Conference in VeniceFreddy Curiél from DGJ Hong Kong has been invited as a speaker at the event held in Venice entitled "Architectures and Archaelogies of the Production Landscape". |
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Jul 15 2012 - Honorable Mention at the Wüstenrot Stiftung AwardThe Future of the PastDGJ Architects (Frankfurt am Main) received an Honorable Mention (3rd award category) for the modernization of an urban housing project in Bonn. www.wuestenrot-stiftung.de |
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Jul 11 2012 - 3sat, hitec TV programme shows Minihaus, 11.07.2012, 6:30 / 9:15 |
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Jul 10 2012 - Bonn project from DGJ made it to the final round at the Brillux Facade Award 2012 |
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Jun 21 2012 - Federico Curiel krijgt prijs van DeltaAliance bij Rio+20The Delta Alliance Young Professionals Awarding ceremony at the Rio plus 20 honored DGJ's Federico ‘Freddy’ Curiel on a global podium. The Awarding ceremony of the Delta Alliance Young Professionals Award took place in the UNEP pavilion at the Rio plus 20 Conference of Sustainable Development. Joop Atsma, State Secretary of the Dutch Ministry for Infrastructure and Environment, and Tineke Huizinga (Chair of the International Governing Board of Delta Alliance and Chair of the International Jury of the Delta Alliance Young Professional Award) together handed the award to the three winning teams of the award. During the event, the award winners personally presented their innovative solutions for the Pearl Delta (PR of China, Freddy Curiel), the Rhine-Meuse Delta (The Netherlands, Sander van Rooij, Emil Kuijs, Bert van Bueren) and the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta (California-USA, Richard Fisher, Ryan Whipple). Curiel's project presents a multi-layered strategy for a sustainable management of the Pearl River Delta (PRD). Re-Generation Delta proposes a large scale micro-algae harvesting system, converting the farmland located by the coastline of the PRD into large scale open air harvesting-ponds. The newly established infrastructure will be realized to function as a physical barrier preventing eventual water flooding. The winning teams will receive financial and organizational support to further elaborate their proposal in collaboration with the Dutch Wing, together with one of the eleven international Wings of the Delta Alliance. DGJ is proud to contribute to the Rio+20 Conference, world leaders, along with thousands of participants shape how we can reduce poverty, advance social equity and ensure environmental protection on an ever more crowded planet to get to the future we want 20 years after the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio. uncsd2012.org Delta Alliance Young Professionals Award promotes Innovative solutions for delta challenges worldwide. delta-alliance.org/ypa |
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Jun 15 2012 - TU Garden as a staged Landscape on Oerol 2012For the second time in 2012 TU Dealft Landscape Architecture participates at Oerol Festival. This year with a Garden as a staged Landscape in front of the Centrum voor Natuur en Landschap.The Project Voer the Wind has been designed and excectute by 7 Master Students of Landscape Architecture under tutoring of DGJ's Daniel Jauslin. During 10 days of Oerol Festival we collectively build a Wadden Sea Island with sand and wind in interaction with the visitors. Every day an estimated 500 visitors participated in our collective Landscape Experience. Follow our daily updates on the blog. voerdewind.blogspot.nl
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Jun 09 2012 - Bellenblaastuin bij Verborgen TuinenKom kijken naar de DGJ Architecten & Landschappentuin op de Verborgen Tuinen Dagen Rotterdam 9 & 10 juni. Bellenblaastuin Gewoon een tuin, zo simpel en zo controversieel als dat. 10.30 tot 16.30 uur. Mecklenburglaan 14 programma en tickets bij boekhandels, tuincentra, Rotterdampas in Gemeentebibliotheek en Rotterdam.Info Coolsingel |
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Apr 20 2012 - DGJ + NAU winnen Award Marketing & ArchitectureDGJ Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects Zürich and NAU Architecture have won the Award 2012 for Marketing & Architecture in Switzerland as best in the category "Department Stores, Shops, Client Centres and Flagship Stores" |
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Apr 20 2012 - Cadavre Exquis / exhibition / opening / ravb.nldutch architecture with landscape methods vol. 3 laboratory design analysis Matthew Skjonsberg west8.nl / Daniel Jauslin dgj.eu / tudelft.nl Moderne architectuur wordt steeds meer beïnvloed door het concept van landschap, en dit is vooral het geval in Nederland. Zoals in veel andere plaatsen is er een nieuwe mindset in opkomst, die de kernwaarden van de architectuur- en stedenbouwdisciplines transformeert met de notie van de organisatie van architectonische ruimte als een landschap. Door te experimenteren ontwikkelt ons lab methodes om zulke verschijnselen te analyseren in gefocuste studies van specifieke gevallen, begrijpend hoe architecten het landschap niet alleen als metafoor gebruiken, maar ook als een methode om gebouwen te ontwerpen. 32 studenten hebben uitstekend gebouwd werk van een breed aanbod van architecten van vier generaties van Nederlandse ... geselecteerd en beoordeeld, startend met Huig Maaskant (oprichter van de RAvB), Wim Quist, OMA, SANAA, Mecanoo, MVRDV, NOX, De Zwarte Hond, NL-Architecten, Onyx, FACT en MonderschijnMoonen. De studenten tekenden en bouwden modellen van hun analyses, waarbij vier lagen afneembaar zijn als aparte eenheid en speelden daarna een spel dat de surrealisten Cadavre Exquis noemden. Het resultaat is een ontmanteld, drijvend olympisch dorp voor Rotterdam, wat tentoongesteld wordt op de locatie in de historische dokken RDM op de Heijplaat. Volgende generaties maken hun eigen stad – off-iabr2012. opening / 20.04.2012 11:00 boek- en modelpresentatie tot / 15.06.2012 / ma do: 7:00 – 22:00 / di wo: - 19:00 / vr: - 20:00 locatie / rotterdamse academie van bouwkunst / innovatiedok heijplaat / rdm campus / rdm-straat 59 / haven#2600, rotterdam route / www.ravb.nl/route veerboot / www.aqualiner.nl |
Apr 19 2012 - Lecture evening ifbau - Planning strategies between technology and building cultureLezingenavond – Holistische Leefconcepten Sprekers: Hans Drexler, DGJ architecten, Sebastian El Khouli, BGP architecten Duurzame Architectuur vereist een nieuwe ontwerp- en mentale houding – een idee, een beeld, een visie van wat architectuur is of kan zijn en dat is waarom het altijd een utopisch karakter heeft. Het doel is architectuur merkbaar te verbeteren in plaats van de negatieve impact op het milieu te verminderen. |
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04/2012 - competitiononline - Award 2012 for Marketing+ArchitectureIn the newly designed Raiffeisen office space on the cross, the operating principle of the bank switch was overcome as a barrier between customers and employees. The store presents itself instead as "open bank", a space of encounter. Curved walls articulate the spatial continuum and create diverse visual links. They also mediate between open and discrete spaces that are used for counseling sessions and internal meetings. Portraits of famous neighborhood residents formed the motive for the digitally milled paneling and focus on the local roots of the bank. Bright colors help in conjunction with the optimized natural lighting the friendly atmosphere of the office. |
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Dec 12 2011 - Daniel Jauslin "Tuin- en Landschapsarchitect"Daniel Jauslin has passed the Staatsexamen as "Tuin- en Landschapsarchitect" (Garden and Landscape Architect) in The Hague. Throughout the year 2011 he was tested by the exam-committee on 14 years of experience, 3 samples of work, 35 pages of thesis and a 8 day design project. |
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Nov 17 2011 - Debate & Book Presentation: Aesthetics of Sustainable ArchitectureHow Do You Landscape and |
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Nov 09 2011 - Lectures, Architects & LandscapesLectures of Daniel Jauslin and Freddy Curiel "Landscape Aesthetics for Sustainable Architecture" & "DGJ Architects & Landscapes" Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School University Town of Shenzhen 深圳大学城 14:00 - 16:00 Schenzhen China |
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Sep 22 2011 - Exhibition 8 Architects for West 8 in Jenfeld HamburgIn der Jenfelder Au Hamburg entstehen auf dem Gelände einer ehemaligen Kaserne insgesamt rund 770 Wohnungen. Das neue Quartier wird als Modellstadtteil für energieeffiziente und zukunftsschonende Stadtentwicklung Maßstäbe setzen. Mit dem Preisgeld des International Urban Landscape Award (IULA) wurden von West 8 acht Studien zu den Stadthäusern finanziert. Vom 26. bis zum 29. September 2011 von 14-20 Uhr sowie am Sonntag, 02.10.2011 von 14-17 Uhr haben Sie die Möglichkeit, die Pläne der Architekturbüros und ein Modell im Jenfeld-Haus zu betrachten (Charlottenburger Straße 1, 22045 Hamburg). Am 02.10.2011 mit Projektmanagerin des Bezirksamts. http://www.dgj.eu/project-types/urban-house-types-jenfelder-au.html |
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Sep 05 2011 - Exhibition FSAI : Bauen auf Individualität since 1935What is the role of Architects today in society, politics and culture? Twelve renomated artists where asked by the swiss federation of independent architects FSAI to confront a architectural piece with photography. The result is a surprisingly inspiring and irritating exhibition about architecture. With a short text about the perception of light by FSAI member Daniel Jauslin about this photography by Alessandro Fischer 5.9.2011 Vernissage 19h30 Architekturforum Ostschweiz 10.9.2011 Museumnacht St. Gallen from 18.00 bar until 1.00 19.9.2011 Finissage 19h30 mit Podiumsdiskussion 31.10.2011 Vernissage Hochschule Rapperswil HSR |
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Jun 25 2011 - Open Huis - Dag van de ArchitectuurOnly in Dutch: Ons woonhuis uit 1917 staat in Kralingen en is duurzaam gerestaureerd. De architecten tonen in een rondleiding hun werk. In de kelder is het bureau DGJ gevestigd, waar onze vergadertafel klaar staat voor een ping-pong toernooi. Graag nodigen we jullie op de dag van de architecuur ook uit voor de opening van detentoonstelling Min-i-Houses. Met duurzaam ontworpen woonhuizen in Frankfurt, Hamburg, Den Haag, Amsterdam, Zollikon en Pigniu. 25 juni za 11-17u rondleidingen op het hele uur 25 juni - 9 juli ma, wo, za 11-17u tentoonstelling Kijk op de BNA website DagvandeArchitectuur.nl |
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Jun 18 2011 - Landscape Mirror Oerol 2011 - TU Delft Landscape ArchitectureThe first master students of Landscape Architecture at TU Delft collectively designed and perform Landscape Mirror, a passport project on the unique Oerol Festival 2011 in the Wadden Sea. DGJ sponsors the building permit procedure necessary to build a camera obscura. The landscape of the island has many stories to tell, the festival audience will help mirror the island and discover the hidden qualities it has to offer. For the festival’s 10 students we will re-create the forest, town and polders of Terschelling. Come help us plant our trees, occupy the town, and reinforce our polder against the constant force of the sea and tide. North Sea Beach Terschelling-Formerum (Lunatics & Zandzeebar) Saturday 18 June through Sunday 26 June : 11-17h |
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Mei 20 2011 - West 8's Stolen Paradise at Maxxi Rome featuring Bridges co-authored by Daniel JauslinOn May 20, the West 8 installation 'Il Paradiso Nascosto' (The Stolen Paradise) for the MAXXI Museum's exhibition series Nature was opened to the public. The exhibition features a light, sensuous installation accompanied by seven of West 8’s projects which share the same spirit of poetic narrative as a dialogue between the artificial and the natural. DGJ is proud that the Bridges of Borneo Sporenburg, represented by two models built by Vincent de Rijk in 1998 for Engineer meets Poet Exhibition at Aedes Berlin have been selected out of West 8's large oeuvre. The bridges that have become a key feature to Borneo Sporenburg plan in Amsterdam where designed at West 8 by Adriaan Geuze, Cyrus Clark and Daniel Jauslin (later co-founder of DGJ) between 1997 and 1999. The exhibition is the second event in the NATURE series to establish a dialogue between international contemporary architecture and the museum (designed by Zaha Hadid) itself. The West 8 exhibition in Rome is open until 21 August 2011. Source west8.nl |
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Apr 18 2011 - DGJ Rotterdam Spring GardeningWebcam of our garden transformation: DGJ Rotterdam and Mascha Leummens designed their new garden for dgj123 Urban Family House Kralingen. It is being build by Gardener John Groeneweg from Rotterdam starting 18. April 2011. It will be ready for visiting and open studio at the day of architecture 25. june 2011. |
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Apr 11 2011 - How Do You Landscape? Memory&Idea at TU DelftStarting April 2011, speakers from different professional backgrounds and with contrasting approaches are invited to reflect on the meaning of LANDSCAPE in their work in a series of monthly lectures. 14.4.2011 Erik A. De Jong & Marc Volger for place time & details see our lectures |
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Feb 15 2011 - NAU & DGJ win competition for public bath in Sierrepremier prix. : « Côte Sauvage », ARGE NAU + DGJ Under project lead of the born valaisan Jean-Lucien Gay of NAU coop the Zurich joint-venture of DGJ and NAU win the competition for refurbishment of the Géronde Beach public baths in Sieders/Sierre, Valais, Switzerland. Everything is flowing. In a architectural landscape man and nature are connected. The jury welcomes the "interpenetration of nature and built." The winning pojects are exhibited at the Maison Tavelli in Sierre from February 17 - 27 this is confirmed in several newspapers and this official news and image source: http://www.sierre.ch/fr/actualites/le-concours-de-geronde-plage-a-son-laureat-185-4919 |
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Jan 12 2011 - DGJ present movie about sustainable building for Zollikonin 2009 DGJ won in a competition for sustainable building with the Minimum Impact House. The prize was a movie production by movilution from Augsburg, that is finished now. The short movie about sustainable building for Zollikon is now ond DGJs You Tube Chanel in 4 parts DGJDasGehtJa. |
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2011 - DGJ + NAU Architecture: Design Award SwitzerlandIn the new designed Raiffeisen agency at the Kreuzplatz in Zürich, Switzerland the functional principle of the counter as a barrier between client and employee were vanquished. The bank presents itself as an "open bank", as a meeting space. Curved walls form the space continuum and offer variant visual connections. At the same time the walls mediate between open and intimate rooms which are ment for consultancies and intern meetings. Portraits of famous district inhabitants represent the motive for the digital cut wall-panels and deal with the local roots of the bank. Light colours support in combination with the natural lightning the friendly atmosphere of the agency. |
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Nov 30 2010 - DGJ is particiating with the Belgian House at the Housing Conference (only in dutch): De provincie Zeeland, RWS partner in wonen en het samenwerkingsverband CBK Zeeland, HZG en BNA Kring Zeeland organiseren op 24 november aanstaande in Middelburg een inspirerend congres over wonen in Zeeland onder de titel: Nieuwe tijden, nieuwe praktijken, nieuwe allianties Het Wooncongres Zeeland biedt de deelnemers inzicht in de actuele stand van zaken op de woningmarkt. De woningmarkt gaat fundamenteel veranderen. Onder invloed van demografische en economische veranderingen zullen woonwensen verschuiven. Hoe gaan wij daarmee om, welke nieuwe onorthodoxe en inspirerende verbindingen worden daardoor noodzakelijk? www.cbkzeeland.nlDGJ Architects arrived 2nd with their design Total Contacter Offer of ERNE Holzbau AG. ERNE's joint-venture with DGJ for a new Kindergarden in Uhwiesen Zürich near Schaffhausen was given 72,2% of the points for Design and the winner 71,4%. Also the Building shedule was judged better. Nevertheless Team ERNE AG Jolzbau Laufenburge came in 2nd after Zehnder Holz & Bau Winterthur due to cost and preliminary Qualification documents. ERNE was the general contractor of dgj080 Zollerkberg and since maintain a closed and inspiring relationship with DGJ. The Uhwiesen project would have been an unique learning environment for 2 classes of Kindergarden in this Landscaped setting closed to the Rhinefall. We congratulate the winners and wish the Laufen-Uhwiesen elementary school all the best with the project of their choice. |
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Nov 24 2010 - Housing Congress: The Belgian House in Sealand NLDGJ is particiating with the Belgian House at the Housing Conference (only in dutch): De provincie Zeeland, RWS partner in wonen en het samenwerkingsverband CBK Zeeland, HZG en BNA Kring Zeeland organiseren op 24 november aanstaande in Middelburg een inspirerend congres over wonen in Zeeland onder de titel: |
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Nov 17 2010 - SimpleDoubleDeux as BlickfangFor the 2nd time Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects show their bed simpledoubledeux at the bickfang fair. This is a show case of innovative designs and multi-facetted cereations in furniture, fashion and jewelry design at Kongresshaus Zurich. Stand numbrer 0.39 |
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Nov 11 2010 - The 8th International Symposium on ArchitecturalInterchanges in AsiaDaniel Jauslin TU Delft will speak 11.11. 13h30 in Kiyakyushu about his PhD subject Architecture with Landscape Methods Case Study of the Rolex Learning Centre Lausanne by SANAA Tokyo Asian View:Order and Wisdom for the Future The International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia (ISAIA) is a biennial International Symposium co-sponsored by the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) together with the Architectural Society of China and the Architectural Institute of Korea (AIK). The 8th ISAIA isscheduled to be held on November 9~12, 2010 in Kitakyushu, and hosted by AIJ. The organizing committee of ISAIA welcomes professors, architects, building engineers, researchers and studentsto take part in the symposium.'The International Symposium on Architectural Interchanges in Asia' was established to promotecommunication with people in the rest of Asia and cooperate for the development of 21st Asianarchitecture and culture in 1986. http://news-sv.aij.or.jp/isaia2010/ |
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Okt 21 2010 - How Do You Landscape? Here&There - 2nd Lecture Series TU DelftHow do you Landscape? Here & There.
From October 2010 on the Landscape Architecture chair is to organise a public lecture on the place of landscape in the work of Dutch and international designers every 3rd Thursday of the month. The focus of this 2nd lecture series is on the specific conditions of work in their home or in international context. If landscape is about the meaning of place, what is the influence of that specific place on a designers working attitude? Each session a designer from "here", working in or from the Netherlands will meet a designer from "there". Differences and similarities of the two speakers are to be discussed with questions from the audience. 21 October Silvia Karres (Karres en Brands) NL & Erik Dhont B 18 November Alessandra Ciancheta (AWP)F & Lodewijk Baljon NL 16 December Berno Strootman NL & Joaõ Gomes da Silva P 20 January Marlies van Diest NL & Eelco Hooftman (Gross.Max) GB source http://www.tudelft.nl
http://www.tudelft.nl/live/pagina.jsp?id=67be58ac-2a9d-46dd-a9da-da5ea5e17090&lang=en |
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Okt 10 2010 - DGJ at SB10 in Maastricht! 10.-13.10. 2010Sustainable building is not a vision for the future but very much a current issue and absolutely essential. In the Maas-Rijn Euregion there is a large amount of knowledge available. The international conference Sustainable Building 2010 (SB10) wishes to be a platform for that knowledge where examples of sustainable building and research can be displayed.
SB10 is an applied scientific conference which focuses on the practice of sustainable building. It translates a variety of scientific topics into a very complete and high-quality programme, with numerous top speakers and enough room for Euroregional excursions and activities. This lends the three day conference an interesting and pleasurable character. It is a must for everybody with a direct or indirect connection with sustainable building.
We are therefore pleased to invite you to the SB10 conference. We hope to see you on 11, 12 and 13 October in Maastricht, Hasselt, Liège and Aachen.
DGJ will present their Paper "The Minimum Impact House Applications of the Frankfurt Prototype for sustainable building in Cities of the European Rhine Region" by Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin and Federico Curiel.
Looking forward to seeing you there! http://www.sb10.nl |
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Aug 31 2010 - LAUNCH MSC TRACK LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE TU DelftThe Faculty of Architecture at TU Delft is proud to announce the launch of its 5th master track: Landscape Architecture, starting in September 2010. You are invited to attend the official opening of the track and the adjoining symposium ‘The Landscape model’ on Tuesday the 31st of August from 2 pm to 5 pm in the East Serre of the Faculty of Architecture in Delft. |
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Aug 30 2010 - Häuser von morgen - Das Bauen der Zukunft on 3sat TVOn TV. Hans Drexler as Talking Head: in german only: Es ist ein neues Zeitalter angebrochen: Zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte des Bauens gibt es sogenannte Plusenergiehäuser: Gebäude, die mehr Energie produzieren, als sie verbrauchen. Es ist auch höchste Zeit. Denn Häuser gehören heute zu den größten Energiefressern. Über die neuesten Ideen und Möglichkeiten. First Programming: 30.08.2010, 21.30 Uhr 3sat Mediathek. Play Video (german only) |
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Jun 20 2010 - Daniel Jauslin wins this goat at TU Delft Repository!For the 16'000st scientific publication on the TU Delft Institutional Repository the unknowing researcher won a goat for a family in Bangladesh. The honours are willingly shared with co-author Denise Piccinini and the students of the Minor Landscape Architecture 2009. Every 1000st upload into this public access database with works of all university members is honored with this usefull price. Goats mow the grass and fertilize it. A great thank you with a smile to the TU Delft Repository manged by the TU Delft Library. Publish or perish - dass schläck kä Gaiss wäg. |
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Jun 18 2010 - dgj153 Opening China Duty Free Headquarters Hong Kong"On the afternoon of June 18, 2010, the elevator of the seventh floor of the East Ocean Center at Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong, was surrounded by dozens of flower baskets in order, which welcomed guests who came to express their congratulations in succession. The party in celebration of Hong Kong CDF’s location at the new office drew its curtain in a sea of congratulations." qoute from CDFG.com.cn News Center |
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Jun 10 2010 - PhD go (/ no go) Daniel Jauslin at TU Delft15h00 Berlagezaal TU Delft Faculty of Architecture Julianalaan 134 The proposed PhD subject of Daniel Jauslin at TU Delft was evaluated and admitted in a public Presentation with peer review. This so called first-year-presentation showed the methodological approach and sample of work of the planned PhD thesis with the Titel "Architecture with Landscape Methods". The sample chapter is an analysis of the Rolex Learning Centre at EPFL Lausanne by SANAA that has been opened this February. The document will is available as pdf on www.dgj.eu/academia cover picture © Ariel Huber / SANAA / EPFL |
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Apr 26 2010 - 09.05.2010 Exhibition Minihouses for FrankfurtExhibition: Plusenergiehaus Goetheplatz, Frankfurt. Mo. - Sa. 10:00 until 18:00. The exhibition shows examples of minihouse in left-over city spaces in the city-center of Frankfurt. The exhibits are designed by Drexler Guinand Jauslin architects and the design-class of the department of energy-efficient building design Prof. Manfred Hegger of the Technical University Darmstadt. |
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Apr 25 2010 - Book publikation OUT NOW: Minimum Impact House - Prototype for Sustainable BuildingThis minibook summarizes the results of the three-year research project and the developement of the prototype house.
The Miniboook is published
;Müller + Bussmann, Wupperthal erschienen.
188 pages (English and German) 14,80 Euro
The Minibook is published by Müller + Busmann, Wuppertal. 188 pages (English and German) 14,80 Euro Order: 188 pages (English and German) 14,80 Euro
The Miniboook is published ;Müller + Bussmann, Wupperthal erschienen.188 pages (English and German) 14,80 EuroOrder:minibook@dgj.eu |
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Apr 22 2010 - Smart homes and city houses. Prefab housing industry discusses new ways.The industry of prefab houses organizes a symposium that discusses new way of opening new markets in city centers and energy-efficient homes. |
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Okt 13 2009 - Minihouses awarded "Green Building Frankfurt" of the city of Frankfurt"Green Building Frankfurt" recognizes buildings which address the challenge of climate change and architecture.
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Jun 16 2009 - Minihouses wins national award "Effizienzhaus" of German Energy Agency and the Federal Building MinisteryThe German Energy Agency DENA and the Federal Ministery of Trafffic, Building, and Urbanism awarded the national winner of the 'Effizienzhaus' which combines energy-efficiency with high quality architecture. |
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Okt 23 2008 - Timber Award Hessen - honorable mention for MinihouseMinihouse wins an honorable mention in the award for timber buildings and constructions, which is awarded by the secretary of building every two years. http://www.informationsdienst-holz.de/download/area_10/referenzobjekte/Hessen_2008.pdf |
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Jan 10 2008 - Exemplary Buildings in the county HessenEvery other year the ministery of building and finance with the chamber of architecture awards a special price for exemplary building. |