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Flowscapes. Designing infrastructure as landscape"Research in Urbanism Series" Marc Angélil, Cary Siress, Sybrand Tjallingii , Matthew Skjonsberg, Wilfried van Winden, Joris Smits, Michel Heesen, Ulf Hackauf , Rene van der Velde, Saskia de Wit, Anne Loes Nillesen ,Peter van Veelen, Mark Voorendt, Chris van der Zwet , Ties Rijcken datum uitgave: Apr 29 2015 editor: Steffen Nijhuis, Daniel Jauslin, Frank van der Hoeven uitgever: TU Delft tekst door DGJ english, 324 pagina's Flowscapes explores infrastructure as a type of landscape and landscape as a type of infrastructure. The hybridization of the two concepts seeks to redefine infrastructure beyond its strictly utilitarian definition, while allowing spatial design to gain operative force in territorial transformation processes. The publication provides perspectives on the subject from design-related disciplines such as architecture, urban design, urban planning, landscape architecture and civil engineering. The book builds upon the multidisciplinary colloquium on landscape infrastructures, that is part of the Flowscapes graduation design studio of Landscape Architecture at the TU Delft. The authors explore concepts, methods and techniques for design-related research on landscape infrastructures. Their main objective is to engage environmental and societal issues by means of integrative and design oriented approaches. Through focusing on interdisciplinary design-related research of landscape infrastructures they provide important clues for the development of spatial armatures that can guide urban and rural development and have cultural and civic significance. The geographical context of the papers covers Europe, Africa, Asia and Northern America. All contributions in the book are double blind reviewed by experts in the field. pdf online paperback mailorder |
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Building Better - Sustainable Architecture for Family HomesSofia Borges, Sven Ehmann, Robert Klanten, Hans Drexler datum uitgave: 08/2014 uitgever: gestalten tekst door DGJ In the book, architects and homeowners work together to find unique and aesthetically compelling ways to build more sustainably. Melding client desires with real world pragmatism, these efficient homes present a diverse spectrum of solutions that include everything from state of the art climate control systems to ancient, passive, and renewable building techniques. |
Sufficiency en normen."Expert bijdrage in: Hans Sauer Prijs 2014 RE:GENERATIONEN.RE:GENERATIEVE." Hans Drexler datum uitgave: Jul 01 2014 editor: Dr. Ralph Boch, Nicola Bötsch, Johanna Süß tekst door DGJ De duurzaamheid debat in de afgelopen jaren heeft zich gericht op de kwestie van efficiency. Echter, efficiency alleen is geen oplossing om de kloof tussen de toenemende vraag, krimpende middelen en toenemende aantasting van het milieu te sluiten. De gerealiseerde besparingen door efficiëntiewinst voor de bouw en exploitatie van een vierkante meter leefruimte dan gecompenseerd door de toenemende vraag van de leefruimte per persoon. Een afwijking van de leer groei en een cultuur van verzaking is onverenigbaar met de huidige economische en sociale ontwikkeling. Daarom moet de groei worden losgekoppeld van het verbruik van hulpbronnen en de kwaliteit worden vervangen door kwantitatieve groei.
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Affordable Living - Housing for everyoneKlaus Dömer, Hans Drexler, Joachim Schultz-Granberg datum uitgave: 2014 uitgever: Jovis tekst door DGJ Housing is a basic need that is still not or not enough accessible for many of the people in all regions of the world. Architecture and urban planning can make a significant contribution in finding new solutions that can ensure proposed “Housing for all” offer. Above all, the challenge for affordable housing is to put living costs and the resultant living quality in an optimum ratio value. This challenge is dependent on many local parameters and cultural influences.
In this context, not only theoretical approaches are going to be presented in the book, but also on example of outstanding residential buildings, some strategies to create affordable housing. By means of project’s analysis in the economic, social and urban context, these strategies can be comparable. |
Passive house refurbushment in Bonn"Houses of the year" Hubertus Adam, Wolfgang Bachmann datum uitgave: Sep 09 2013 uitgever: Callwey tekst door DGJ project: dgj155 Refurbishment Bonn german, 271 pagina's The architects consider the problem basically. For them, the restoration in the building stock is no physical or technical problem, but a contribution to sustainable development of society. This house of the 1948 shows how an existing structur can be used and how an apartment building with commercial premises becomes an attractive energy terms Townhouse. The wooden staircase, for example, was protected and combined with new elements. |
Redensification of the special kind"Talis - Architects and Civil Engineers" Ines Becker datum uitgave: 2013 editor: Jens Leweke, Jochen Müller, Ute Schroeter uitgever: jam Verlag tekst door DGJ project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House german, 162 pagina's In the metropolitan areas are not enough apartments . While Germany's population continues to shrink, urbanization continues to increase. By the organic growth of these centers over the centuries everywhere small vacant lots are actually available. The only question is: Can there be also provided living space.
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Building the Future: Maßstäbe des nachhaltigen Bauens [Taschenbuch]datum uitgave: Sep 17 2012 editor: Hans Drexler, Adeline Seidel uitgever: Jovis, Berlin tekst door DGJ german Sustainable Construction has become one of the central issues in architecture. Climate change, resource scarcity and economic crises increasingly forcing architects and planners to question traditional methods and solutions critical. Already in recent years research institutions and universities, but also architecture- and engineeringoffices started to search for new approaches to the implementation of sustainable architecture and urban development. In summer 2011 the Münster School of Architecture hosted several symposia to work with international experts to discuss on these controversial topics. The publication "Building the Future" summarizes the different levels and positions of current concepts: the aim is to represent relationships and attitudes sustainable building in a holistic manner. This well-known authors with their contributions represent the current state of research on this subject and present innovative approaches and solutions to the architecture of the future. |
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Holistic Housing"Concepts, Design Strategies and Processes" Hans Drexler, Sebastian el Khouli datum uitgave: 07/2012 editor: Hans Drexler, Sebastian el Khouli uitgever: Edition Detail tekst door DGJ german, english, 288 pagina's Comprehensive overview of sustainability in the residential architecture.
To integrate sustainability in all its variety in the design and planning processes is the most important issue in the current architectural debate. The book presents the various aspects and sustainability objectives and the internationally accepted standardization and evaluation parameters of the structured form, it works out for practice-relevant relationships and processes. In the example of 20 outstanding international residential buildings of all sizes and types of use are presented and evaluated in their performance. In these case studies will demonstrate how criteria can be implemented in the design of sustainable building and how they experienced with the qualities of the building. Sustainability of this panorama gives architects and engineers, inspiration and guidance for the implementation of sustainability goals into their daily work, but just as interesting for Bauherrenund investors who are involved as decision makers and operators in construction processes.
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Cadavre Exquis (pre-release 0.02)"Dutch Architecture with Landscape Methods Vol. 3" Matthew Skjonsberg, Daniel Jauslin e.a. eerste publicatie in: 2012 datum uitgave: Apr 20 2012 uitgever: DGJDasGehtJa tekst door DGJ 261 pagina's Contemporary architecture is increasingly influenced by the concept
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Please keep in mind that the suggested donation price is 4 EUR. You can donate at the opening in cash. We will set up donation online after the opening of the exhibition. If you donate for the digital pre-release you will get the digital full-release for free probably this summer. |
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Landscape Architecture at TU Delft 1973-2011: Ter gelegenheid afscheid Prof. Dr. Clemens SteenbergenHoman, A. · Van der Weide, A. · Bordes, B. · Kwast, B. · Van den Heuvel, D. · Stegewerns, C. · Jongsma, C. · Van Ees, C. · Wouters, C. · Jauslin, D. · Wijnen, D. · Piccinini, D. · Dekker, E. · Van der Kooij, E. · Luiten, E. · De Jong, E. · Toni, F. · Aerts, F. · Verschuure-Stuip, G. · Stotijn, H. · Bakker, I. · Bobbink, I. · Meulenberg, I. · Woltjer, J. · Wilbers, J. · Niemeijer, J. · Lonsdale, J. · Wiers, J. · Pouderoijen, M. · Roos, A. · Hellendoorn, D. · Visser, K. · Storm-Prins, M. · Van der Helm, M. · De Vos, L. · Veldman, M. · Hartveld, M. · Den Ruijter, M. · Verbruggen, N. · Rickert, N. · De Graaf, P. · Van der Ree, P. · Aben, R. · Buijs, R. · Rooij, R. · Van der Velde, R. · De Wit, S. · Nijhuis, S. · Holtappels, S. · Meeks, S. · Van Assen, S. · Van Oosten, S. · Van den Busken, S. · Hermans, W. datum uitgave: Dec 15 2011 uitgever: TU Delft Landscape Architecture tekst door DGJ dutch, 104 pagina's Het is haast onmogelijk om de werkzame jaren van Prof. Dr. Clemens Steenbergen hier op de TU Delft in het kort samen te vatten. Dit is een persoonlijk boek van collega's, medewerkers en studenten ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid op 15. December 2011. |
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Landscape Aesthetics for Sustainable Architecture (Book-Chapter in:)"Aesthetics of Sustainable Architecture" Daniel Jauslin datum uitgave: Nov 17 2011 editor: Sang Lee uitgever: 010 tekst door DGJ 10 pagina's This book deals with the aesthetic potentials of sustainable archit ecture and its practice. In contrast to the mechanistic model, the book attempts to open a new area of scholarship and debate on sustainability in the design and production of architecture. In many instances, the key principles behind environmental concerns and sustainability in architecture are often misunderstood and misrepresented. Many often consider sustainability within a limited set of choices or still regard it as yet another inconvenience that hinders development. Certainly technical improvements help alleviate the problems at hand. But fundamental questions remain in regard to architecture: What are the structural issues behind the consciousness on sustainability and how do we address them in design? And what kind of opportunities can we find in its aesthetics for the revision of our industrial model? The book traces and underscores how the consideration of environment and sustainability is directly connected to aesthetic propositions in architecture. Designed by Piet Gerards Ontwerpers |
Minimum Impact House"10 years and designing energy-efficient building unit of the Technical University of Darmstadt" Fachgebiet Entwerfen und Energie-effizientes Bauen der Technischen Universität Darmstadt datum uitgave: Sep 10 2011 editor: energy-efficient building unit of the Technical University of Darmstadt uitgever: Technical University of Darmstadt tekst door DGJ project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House german, 2 pagina's Minimum Impact House - Developing a sustainable prototype
Minimal Impact House in Frankfurt/Main" Passivhäuser - Wohngebäude Musterprojekte, Konstruktionsdetails, Kennwerte" Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lückmann, Dipl. Ing. Franziska Pietryas datum uitgave: Jul 03 2011 editor: Prof. Dr. Rudolf Lückmann uitgever: WEKA MEDIA GmbH & Co. KG Römerstraße 4 D-86438 Kissing tekst door DGJ project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House german, 21 pagina's The demand for passive houses has risen substantially in recent years. To meet the ever increasing cost of oil and electricity prices, many owners opt for an energy-efficient construction and save up to 90% on energy costs. |
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Tuin Park Landschap: Documentatie Minor Landschapsarchitectuur 2009Jauslin, D.T. · Piccinini, D. · Stribos, T. · Van der Plas, M. datum uitgave: Jul 14 2010 uitgever: TU Delft tekst door DGJ dutch, 52 pagina's Dit boek geeft een overzicht van analyses, ontwerpen en essays van studenten in de Minor Landschapsarchitectuur die aan de Faculteit Bouwkunde TU Delft in het najaar semester van 2009 voor de tweede keer werd gegeven onder begeleiding van de docenten Daniel Jauslin en Denise Piccinini. |
Minimum Impact House - Prototype for Sustainable BuildingHans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand, Fachgebiet Energie-Effizientes Bauen der TU Darmstadt Prof. Hegger datum uitgave: Apr 10 2010 uitgever: Müller und Busmann, Wupperthal tekst door DGJ project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House german, english, 188 pagina's This minibook summarizes the results of the three-year research project and the developement of the prototype house.
The Miniboook is published
Müller + Bussmann, Wupperthal erschienen.
188 pages (English and German) 14,80 Euro
The Miniboook is published by Müller + Busmann, Wupperthal. 188 pages (English and German) 14,80 Euro Order: |
Left Over Spaces and Brick Walls"Energy Efitient Architecture" Thomas Sternagel, Till Schaller, Martin Sommer, Arne Winkelmann datum uitgave: Sep 10 2009 editor: Akademie der Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen, Martin Sommer uitgever: jovis Verlag GmbH tekst door DGJ project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House german, 4 pagina's publ2009.09_dgj071_Minihaus_in_Buch_EinSparHaus_AKH.pdf (1,0 MB, German) |
Towards A Sustainable Architecture"Greenplattform - Art Ecology Sustainability" Hans Drexler, Daniel Jauslin, Marc Guinand datum uitgave: Apr 01 2009 editor: Franziska Nori uitgever: Strozzina, Florenz tekst door DGJ english, 9 pagina's Dealing with the issue of sustainability always implies the hope of improving the present conditions and of actively contributing to sustainable developement. An awareness of the complex relations involved the search for new possible solutions, and education, and training concerning the mutual interdependence of the various systems. pub2009.003_Strozzina__towards a sustainable design.pdf (2,1 MB) |
Basics Materials (English)"Birkhäuser Basics" Manfred Hegger (Autor), Hans Drexler (Autor), Martin Zeumer (Autor) datum uitgave: Okt 06 2006 uitgever: Birkhauser Verlag AG tekst door DGJ german, english, 88 pagina's The Materiality of buildings and constructions is an important aspect of architectural design. The approach to and use of materials is a fundamental building block of architectural training. The themes featured include: subjective effect of materials; haptic influences; use of materials; and creative use of classical construction materials. PREVIEW publ2006.0_Basics_Materialitaet_Birkhaeuser.pdf (550KB) |
Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects"DGJ" Walter Bieler, Elisabeth Blum, Mayo Bucher, Rudolf Manz, Adolf Muschg, Felix Schwarz, Philip Ursprung datum uitgave: Mrt 10 2005 editor: Hans Drexler, Marc Guinand, Daniel Jauslin uitgever: DGJ! Das geht ja! tekst door DGJ project: dgj044 Spiral House Pigniu german, 37 pagina's |
In Conversation with RUR: On Material Logics in Architecture, Landscape, and Urbanism"Landscape Urbanism" Jesse Reisser, Naneko Umemoto in Interview with Hans Drexler, Chris Duisberg datum uitgave: Dec 10 2003 editor: Mohsen Mostafavi uitgever: AA Publications tekst door DGJ english, 9 pagina's Jesse Reisser and Naneko Umemoto of RUR Architects are investigating the relationsship of uses, material, and the structure of space. |
Book of Abstracts sb 13 munich"Three Strategies for Holistic Housing" editor: Prof.Dr.-Ing. Gerd Hauser, Prof.Dr-Ing.habil.Thomas Lützkendorf, Prof.Dr.-Ing.Natalie Essig uitgever: Fraunhofer IRB tekst door DGJ english Vast achievements in the field of sustainable building habe been made: A variety of targets, aspects and criteria habe been identified that constitute important building blocks of a comprehensive understanding of sustainability in the field of architecture. Assessments and evaluation systems have been developed that help to analyse designs and buildings. Still missing are strategies that could be used to integrate the targets in the design process. In a two year empirical research project concepts, strategies and methods for designing sustainable residential buildings habbe been gathered and analysed. Sustainable design is notmerely a technical problem, rather it can be most successful if it accomplishes to bridge the gap between the cultural role of architecture and its technical side. For this reason, the study focused on the design potential that could be derived from the following questions: . What are approaches and strategies to meet the diverse and sometimes divergent requirements of sustainability in architecture? . Waht methods and tools can be applied in the early stages of the design and planning process for new and existing buildings to be planned holistically in order to optimize the design in terms of sustainable construction? . What is the role the context(in the broadest possible sense of climatic, Structural, cultural and social context) plays in respect to the design? . What are the advantages and disadvantages arising from their implementation? |