
Badener duerfen Brisgi bebauen

"Aargauer Zeitung"

Pirmin Kramer

first published in: Aargauer Zeitung

release date: Nov 11 2016

editor: Aargauer Zeitung

publisher: Aargauer Zeitung

text about DGJ

project: dgj232 Brisgi-Areal Baden

german, 1 page

Architektur: Wo einst BBC-Arbeiter in Baracken wohnten, entsteht eine Überbauung der Wohnbaustiftung. Ein Badener Team hat den Architekturwettbewerb gewonnen.


Koks gebruiken eigen groenten, fruit en kruiden

"City Light Den Haag Centraal"

Annerieke Simeone

release date: Okt 09 2015

editor: Den Haag Centraal

publisher: Den Haag Centraal

text about DGJ

project: dgj218 Eden-Westbroekpark

dutch, 1 page

Café Blossom, Groene Helden en DGJ Architects & Landscapes wonnen de door de gemeente uitgeschreven tender voor het overwoekerde midgetgolfterrein in het Westbroekpark. Hun plan: een eetbare tuin plus een restaurant in een kas. “Onze producten vind je terug op de menukaart”.


Restaurant op oude golfbaan


release date: Sep 29 2015

editor: Telegraaf

publisher: Telegraaf

text about DGJ

project: dgj218 Eden-Westbroekpark

dutch, 1 page

Op de plek van de gesloten midgetgolfbaan in het Haagse Westbroekpark moet een klein restaurant komen met op de kaart alleen maar producten uit de eigen eetbare tuin.
Dit plan hebben de Groene Helden en Cafe Blossom uit het Zeeheldenkwartier ingediend. Deze groep van archi teeten en ondernemers heeft gisteren de plannen onder de werknaam 'Blossom in the Park' gepresenteerd.


MakeCity Berlin 11-26 Jun 2015

"Affordable Living"

eine Ausstellung des AIT-ArchitekturSalon im HO | BERLIN

release date: June 11 2015

editor: Klaus Doemer, Prof. (Verw.) Hans Drexler und Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg

text by DGJ

4 pages

During the Architecture Festival "Make City" the AIT-ArchitekturSalon is represented with different formats on new and innovative housing concepts . Pop -Up is presented in the AIT-ArchitekturSalon exhibition "Affordable Living / Affordable Housing ", in-depth discussions are with the Symposium "living differently " and the Studio - Talk "Living inclusive".

Exhibition // Exhibition
"Affordable Living / Affordable Housing"

11 to 28 June 2015
an exhibition of the AIT Architecture Salon in HO | BERLIN

Curators / curators team: Klaus Dömer, Prof. (EXP.) Hans Drexler and Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg

Duration of the exhibition 12 - 18 June 2015
June 11, 2015 | 19 clock | Opening of the exhibition "Affordable Living" with lectures
June 17, 2015 | 19 clock | Studio-Talk "Living inclusive"
June 18, 2015 | 13 clock | Curator kidnapping with Prof. Joachim Schultz-Granberg
June 25, 2015 | 17-22 clock | Symposium "living differently"

Housing is a basic need that is still not covered or inadequately for many people in all regions of the world. Architecture and urban planning can make a decisive contribution to finding new solutions to ensure the supply of housing for all. The challenge for affordable housing is, above all, to put the costs and the resulting housing quality in an optimum ratio. The way forward depends on many parameters and local cultural influences. Against this background, not only theoretical approaches are presented in the book, but the example of outstanding residential building also demonstrated strategies to create affordable housing. It is through the analysis of the projects in the economic, social and urban context, these strategies are comparable. Central to this is the question, how can different approaches to the creation of affordable residential transferred to regional specifics.

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first published in: Elandkrant

release date: Jan 22 2014

editor: Elandkrant. Wijkkrant voor het Zeeheldenkwartier

text about DGJ

project: dgj146 Zeeheldentuin

dutch, 6 pages

On Wednesday 22th of January 2014 was organized a presentation about final design of the "Zeehelden" Garden. It took place in Residence Haganum and lured a flock of people interested in this design to the Hague

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Graue Eminenz der Vorstadt

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ"

Birgit Ochs

release date: Dec 02 2012

editor: Werner D'Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text about DGJ

project: dgj155 Refurbishment Bonn

german, 1 page

Shored completely - that was yesterday. After the renovation, the house of Sibylle Feucht and Jürgen Starosta in Bonn shows itself from a new perspective.


The floating office. New ideas on how to create new living space. On the water an or the gap - where we will be building in the future.

release date: Aug 05 2011

editor: Eberhard Ebner, Johannes Friedmann, Thomas Schaub, Christoph Schwingenstein

publisher: Süddeutscher Verlag

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

„The fact, that many people drive to town for work or leisure activity, increases the output of carbon dioxide.[..] Nearly half of the annual land consumption is generated by the building industry. With his architectural office (Drexler Guinand Jauslin Architects) he realized in Frankfurt a few years ago a idea: the Minihouse.

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tentoonstellingen: MIN-I-HOUSES

"Architectuur Agenda Rotterdam"

Architectuur Agenda Rotterdam

release date: 07/2011

text by DGJ


Minimum Impact House (Min-i-Houses) is een bouw- en onderzoeksproject naar duurzame woningbouw in de stad. De tentoonstelling toont een selectie projecten in Amsterdam, Frankfurt en Rotterdam en tien ontwerpprojecten van studenten aan de Technische Universiteit Darmstadt (Duitsland). DGJ-Architeden, Mecklenburglaan 14, Rotterdam, mal wo & za 11-17,




Marcello Soeleman

release date: June 27 2011

editor: TU Delft

text by DGJ

dutch, 1 page



Dag Van De Architectuur

"Dag Van De Architectuur"

Dag Van De Architectuur

release date: June 25 2011

text by DGJ


25juni Architectenbureau aan woonhuis Kralingen: Open Huis
Een woning met architectenbureau in Kralingen (Rotterdam) is volledig gerenoveerd voor de jonge familie van de architect. Terwijl de indeling
van de karners de originele indeling van de woning volgt, zijn belangrijke elementen ontworpen vanuit een hedendaagse benadering. Keuken en badkarner zijn gerenoveerd door zorgvuldig elementen toe te voegen waardoor de karners hun kwaliteit heb ben behouden. Licht en ruimte zijn in de woning gebracht door een glazen vloer op een stalen constructie van zeepbellen die door de karners naar: de zelf ontworpen tuin waaien. In het souterrain heeft het architectenbureau een spectaculair landschappelijk uitzicht op de Alpen.

Locatie: Mecklenburglaan 14.
Tijd: 11.00 - 17;00 uur
(rondleidingen orn 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 15.00 en 16.00 uur).
Meer informatie:


Castle in the Air in Passivhouse-Standard


Jan Otto Weber

release date: May 12 2011

editor: Thomas Schmid

publisher: Alex Springer

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 2 pages

Affordable housing in the city while maintaining quality of life - a problem that employs the Frankfurt architect Hans Drexler for some years. His concern was not only a question of economic efficiency, but also about the environmental and social benefits of densification of urban areas. An idea that should be in the interests of urban planners. After all boasted Frankfurt as Germany's capital and passive house is striving towards the European title of a Green City. The award given by the city's architecture award "Green Building Award" to encourage private developers to sustainable designs. Hans Drexler received the award in 2009 for his mini-house. On a wedge-shaped area of 29 square meters, he set up at the Walter-Kolb-Strasse in Sachsenhausen, a multi-storey wooden building in passive house standard with a floor space of 145 square meters.


Green Buildings: Apply for Architectural award

"planning + building in frankfurt"

planen und bauen

release date: May 01 2011

publisher: Verlag Helmut Richardi GmbH, Phillip Otto

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 3 pages

For the second time the „Architekturpreis für nachhaltiges Bauen“ (architectural prize for sustainable building) will be awarded in November 2011. Within the last competition architects, planner and  building owner of eight buildings were awarded with the Green Building Award. One of the awarded buildings was the Minimum Impact House.

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Géronde: nouvelle plage en juin 2013

"Le Nouvelliste"


release date: Feb 18 2011

text about DGJ

Architectural competition. The Renovation of today’s Bath Géronde will be soft and luxurious. With new pools the swimmers can dive directly into the lake.

CONCOURS D'ARCHITECTURE. La rénovation des actuels Bains de Géronde sera douce et luxueuse. Avec les nouveaux bassins, les baigneurs pourront entrer directement dans le lac .

Le Nouveliste PDF

Wie im Raumschiff

"Wie im Raumschiff"

Nicolas Y. Aebi (Foto)

release date: Feb 17 2011

editor: 20Minuten

publisher: TA Media

text about DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz


Like in a Spacecraft: The newest Branch of the Raiffeisenbank at Zurich's Kreuzplatz is not saving on modernity. White shining surfaces and space stile furniture generate  the athmosphere of an "open bank" as director Thomas Stutz says. (transl. DGJ).

article in 20Minuten (German) PDF

Einzahlen mit Einstein

"Neue Zürcher Zeitung"

Jenny Keller

release date: Feb 16 2011

text about DGJ

project: dgj144 Raiffeisen Kreuzplatz


Futuristische neue Filiale der Raiffeisenbank am Zürcher Kreuzplatz

Die Wände einer Bankfiliale am Kreuzplatz erzählen die Geschichte des Quartiers Hottingen.



Nachhaltige Beziehung zur Natur

"Walliser Bote"

Sebastian Glienz

release date: Feb 15 2011

editor: Walliser Bote

publisher: Walliser Bote

text about DGJ

german, 1 page

Die Anlage rund um den Gerundensee in der Sonnenstadt wird neu gestaltet. Den Architekturwettbewerb bjlt die Arbeitsgemeinschaft NAU Architecture in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Büro

Drexler Guinand Jauslin aus Zürich gewonnen.

Nachhaltige Beziehung zur Natur PDF

Brandmark Greenbuilding

"Frankfurter Rundschau"

Dr. Matthias Arning

release date: Nov 11 2009

editor: Konstantin Neven DuMont

publisher: Druck- und Verlagshaus Frankfurt am Main GmbH

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Brandmark Greenbuilding - City awards eight Buildings.

pub2009.11_dgj071_Minihaus_FAZ_Greenbuilding.pdf (800KB, German)

Towels and Match-Boxes (German)

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ "

Schulze, Rainer (Redaktion FAZ)

release date: Okt 13 2009

editor: Schirrmacher, Frank

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text by DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

Left over sites and minihouses in Frankfurt.

pub2009.10.13._dgj071_FAZ-Minihaeuser_in_Frankfurt.pdf (1,8 MB, German)

research and Living in the Minihouse

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ "

Eva-Maria Magel

release date: June 21 2009

editor: Werner D'Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text about DGJ

project: dgj071 Minihouse I - Minimum Impact House

german, 1 page

An architects and the Technical Univeristy Darmstadt research about urban densification.

pub2009.07_dgj071_Minihaus_FAZ_21.07.2009.pdf (580KB, German)

Fantastic Life cycle balance

"Hoch 3"

Jörg Feuck, Chefredakteur

release date: June 30 2008

editor: TU Darmstadt

publisher: TU Darmstadt Verlag

text by DGJ

german, 1 page

Research Project for sustainable protoype.

pub2008.006_dgj071_Minihaus in Hoch3 (197KB, German)

New Community Center is Pulsating

"Zürichsee Zeitung"


release date: Feb 08 2007

text by DGJ

project: dgj080 Library Zollikon

german, 1 page

pub2007.002_dgj080_Zuerichsee.pdf (200KB, German)

Paintbrush, Colour, and a One-Arm Guitar Player

"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung FAZ "

Christoph Schütte

release date: June 13 2005

editor: Werner D'Inka, Berthold Kohler, Günther Nonnenmacher, Frank Schirrmacher, Holger Steltzner

publisher: F.A.Z.-Verlag - FAZ.NET

text by DGJ

project: dgj078 Exhibition Panorama des Alpes

german, 1 page

Review of group exhibition

pub2005.006_FAZ_Ausstellung_Alpenpanorama.PDF (2,7MB, German)

background image